Forum Post: Evidence Occupy Wall Street paying People to Protest
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 2:44 p.m. EST by Capitalist111
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Wow, grass roots at its finest, members of the Occupy Wall Street Movement are hiring protesters paying 350-650.00 per week!!!!
logo is hosted on photobucket, not on the org's site. And googling the owner, jangula88, shows that you have found a false flag shill.
edit: and they also seem to have horrid music taste. Freakin' hipsters with their dubstep...
Awesome. Good work Capitalist111! Appreciate you finding another false flag for us!
hahaha nice.
I'm confused... So now you assholes are complaining about the protesters getting jobs ? Wasn't that your big argument, all the protesters are lazy jobless bums ?
Anyway, we will drag you into a new and much better world like it or not.
obvious troll is obvious. stupid error epic fails troll epic fails.
They specifically say that, "they do not hire people to Occupy Wall Street". This is for a completely different political activist organization called "Working Family" and they provide training for people who wish to voice their specific concerns in a public venue. You had me curious there for a second... :oD
Great find capitalist111!
Well everyone, looks like we've found the cure for world poverty! w00000000t
"OMG!!! Acorn is everywhere!!!!" Sorry, That's just not gonna work anymore
Can we at least get a guy in a bad pimp costume out at WS? Just for lulz.
Obviously, the person who posted this is either an angry conservative, a person ignorant of the fact that this is not related to the protests, or someone PAID to attempt to create dissent and slacken support for OWS. Jeez, this isn't even a good attempt... FAIL.
I'm sure every one knows this is fake.
I dunno. There are lots of people over here in NYC quoting Fox News or MSNBC. And I thought everyone knew that their broadcasts are bought and paid for as well... never underestimate the gullibility of the people.
Well said... I have noticed a lot of people trying to turn the OWS movement into their own personal political football.
Seriously. And I keep hearing "What's their message? They need a clear message, it's not clear". I'm hearing this on the streets and on the tube. There is BIG money trying to obfuscate this movement.
not exactly sure what you mean by BIG money... Lot's of people are trying to hijack this movement.
They specifically say that, "they do not hire people to Occupy Wall Street". This is for a completely different political activist organization called "Working Family" and they provide training for people who wish to voice their specific concerns in a public venue. You had me curious there for a second... :oD
I have an Idea for all the wall street children. Have a military recruiter go down there and sign em up to help fight the war in Afghanistan!
yea, that pretend war that has been fabricated just like the money the banks are "loaning" you will be saying "get a haircut hippie"
There is Vets from past and current tours all over the site... and they would disagree with you; which would be including my father, who suffered radiation poisoning in the Navy when they shot a ray through his bunk... Sadly, He's currently in East Orange VA Hospital; dying at the age of 54.
Read this:
oops, you missed the part in the add that states the following.
Attention Right Wing conspiracy theorists This is an ad for our regular field representative position. We support the protesters but we don't have the money to pay them!
troll my ass, this is real!!!
They specifically say that, "they do not hire people to Occupy Wall Street". This is for a completely different political activist organization called "Working Family" and they provide training for people who wish to voice their specific concerns in a public venue. You had me curious there for a second... :oD
LMAO!!! Hey at least some of these deadbeats have a job now!!!
Deadbeats? have you seen the people down there? They have more of a beat than you, or your money hungry contemporaries. Most of those people are hard-working Americans who lost a lot, if not all, due to the blatant ignorance/shadowy acceptance of corporations. And as it says in the ad it's for a "regular field representative"; NOT protesters.
So stop spreading misinformation; it only makes you, and your motives look bad.