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Forum Post: Evidence for lawyers in appeal of State Ct ruling

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 9:13 a.m. EST by artistpres (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

re: Tents, generators etc in parks (see photo evidence at links)

Mayor Bloomberg claims that tents are not allowed in NYC parks. Ask him to explain the giant tents being set up right now in Union Sq Park and in Central Park at Columbus Circle for the corporate run Holiday vending Markets. These tents are set up for more than a month straight, 24 hours a day. They completely displace pedestrians, residents and park visitors for a fee of millions of dollars.

Mayor Bloomberg says generators are not allowed in NYC parks, yet the Holiday Markets operate huge generators as do most of the Greenmarket vending stands in Union Sq Park. There is even a weekly Greenmarket set up right outside the Mayor’s office with huge tents and generators.

Mayor Bloomberg says protestors cannot sleep in parks, yet he allows more than 100 homeless people to sleep in Union Sq Park every night. Instead of pretending that the Mayor is a defender of free speech, perhaps the media can ask him to explain these totally inconsistent policies.

Columbus Circle Holiday Market http://www.scribd.com/doc/60267105/Columbus-Circle-Holiday-Market-2010

Union Sq Park Holiday Market http://www.scribd.com/doc/42641529/Holiday-Market-2010-USP

Union Sq Park Greenmarket tents 5/22/2010 Greenmarket and artists in USP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRVsv_E1Iqc

Greenmarket generators, tents etc *Union Sq Greenmarket violates all park rules for public safety http://www.scribd.com/doc/33300320/Union-Square-Park-Green-Market-6-19-2010-by-RL

Giant diesel generator, Union Sq Park Holiday Market http://www.scribd.com/doc/60266459/Deisel-Generator-USP-Holiday-Market

Homeless sleep in Union Sq Park http://www.examiner.com/destinations-in-new-york/parks-department-plan-will-bring-chaos-to-union-square-say-street-artists

Mayor Bloomberg is an enemy of free speech, of artists’ rights and of public space. Robert Lederman, President of ARTIST artistpres@gmail.com

NOVEMBER 15, 2011 Statement From Mayor Bloomberg on Clearing Zuccotti Park The following statement was released by Mayor Michael Bloomberg after police and sanitation workers cleared Zuccotti Park early Tuesday morning:

EXCERPT: “The park had become covered in tents and tarps, making it next to impossible to safely navigate for the public, and for first responders who are responsible for guaranteeing public safety. The dangers posed were evident last week when an EMT was injured as protestors attempted to prevent him and several police officers from helping a mentally ill man who was menacing others. As an increasing number of large tents and other structures have been erected, these dangers have increased. It has become increasingly difficult even to monitor activity in the park to protect the protestors and the public, and the proliferation of tents and other obstructions has created an increasing fire hazard that had to be addressed.”



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by artistpres (0) 13 years ago

The point is that the City argued that no tents or generators are allowed in any NYC park. That's perjury.

[-] 1 points by MBJ (96) 13 years ago

Wouldn't you guess that those event sponsors have applied for and received permits, paid required fees including insurance, security and cleanup; and seen that all equipment was in compliance with regulations?