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We are the 99 percent

Eviction Deadline Passes, Occupy LA Holding Ground

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 1:58 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Even as hundreds of police gathered around City Hall, Occupy Los Angeles continued to peacefully assemble in impressive numbers in Solidarity Park (formerly City Hall Park) throughout the night. Accounts put the crowd at over 2,000.

Early this morning, LAPD moved in to evict the encampment. Around 5am PST, police armed with batons and riot gear ordered the nonviolent Occupiers to disperse from the street or face violent arrest. The crowd responded by asking LAPD to lay down their weapons and join them. At least four arrests were made, before the police backed down.

In the words of one Occupy LA participant who was interviewed by the New York Times, "It wasn't in their best interest to come in when there are thousands here." And the whole world continues to watch; the livestream OccupyFreedomLA reported that it had over 37,000 views last night alone.

El pueblo unido jamás será vencido! All night, all day, Occupy LA!

UPDATE: Occupy LA is now seeking a court order to prevent eviction! General Assembly at 7:45pm Pacific Standard Time.

LA Times frontpage occupied



Read the Rules
[-] 11 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

I love this story! It is my favorite so far a small triumph for Occupy LA and the movement.

If you haven't yet realized you will soon that we the people are the governing force. We are strong and we are many!

[-] 0 points by saveourfreedom (10) from Fairbanks, AK 13 years ago

u may be "strong and many" but what do u stand for?: freedom?... NO a free market economy?... obviously not. it seems that u have a bunch of ignorant people standing be hide a unknown cause. i searched for about three hrs now on what u all stand for so far all I've found is a bunch of contradictory bull. one guy said freedom yet u protest walmart for paying to little??? that is freedom. they can pay whatever the FK they want (pardon my language). u want to stop people from entering our country??? did you know that having unskilled labor (meaning immigrants) in our country actually makes the economy better. because they make more jobs then then they take up. and guess what that's taking away someones freedom as well... if you actually start looking for and at the facts everything u stand for is completely false. instead of supporting people getting killed for stupid ST just look at who your voting for. cause are government is ever changing and you are the things that make it change so yea stand up for yourself and sure do it with people around you. but do it thru the system that works. not thru illegal acts that get people hurt and killed. i bet if every one of you could get five people over to your house or whatever and talk about who you want to elect and why. that it would make such an immense change. this pitiful excuse for a revolution would seem like nothing. and if you can't decide who to elect or there is no one out their that's good enough then elect your self because that's how are government works and it works much better then protesting. just think for yourselves for a change.

[-] 2 points by shifty2 (117) 13 years ago

Also this is good reading about some of the things that need something done about. Title Throw them all out the Congress that is. http://www.amazon.com/Throw-Them-All-Out-ebook/dp/B0062N35X8/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_t_3

[-] 2 points by shifty2 (117) 13 years ago

If you are interesting in what the movement is about read these both drafted by people in the movement not voted on but it gives a good basic idea of what we stand for. http://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/ http://pastebin.com/gm2UV08D

[-] 1 points by saveourfreedom (10) from Fairbanks, AK 13 years ago

Thank you Shifty this has shed some light on what you/they want. I am in the possess of taking many of my problems with that document with the creators. But i am in no way changed in my disturbed feeling that I have to this movement. Just as I am doing with them i would be glad to do with any of you.(Arguing the 99% declaration). For in no offence to any of you this nice sounding document can be very misleading to the untrained eye. Many of these good hearted policies will cause complete destruction in our nation. For obvious economic reasons.

[-] 1 points by shifty2 (117) 13 years ago

Listen as I said I found it in their web site and have not heard any thing about it sense. I am not well educated so maby that's why I thought it sounded OK, I just found it interesting. Since you appearently read it so I have two more you might be interested in. I found the 99% declaration on their site too, Makes for good reading.



[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

Well actually their points pretty clear, they want corporate america to quit dipping their hands into the political system.

Which has corrupted our democracy, our government, the american way of life.

Honestly if you think this is the way our founding fathers of America envisioned the U.S than sir your not looking clearly.

no matter WHO is elected for government officials CORPORATE GREED will still influence those in office.

Basically we have voted over and over again... and yet the situation if not worse has not gotten better.

For example OUR REPUBLICANS could not come to a simple agreement about our deficit!

HINDERING the american people even more BECAUSE and JUST because A BLACK MAN IS PRESIDENT and anyone who says different is delusional its passive racism.

[-] 2 points by saveourfreedom (10) from Fairbanks, AK 13 years ago

HAHAHA u think its cause he is BLACK are u kidding??? no one gives a shit what the color of his skin is. i don't like Obama but it has nothing to due with his race. i don't like him cause he doesn't understand basic economics and is spending tons of money on needless things. i don't like him cause is wasteful and corrupt. and if u think that a politician is unable to not fall into corporate greed. really? if u think so little of our government why don't you just leave. I'm not saying you are a bad person and I'm definitely not a raciest but you are doing it wrong. the system works. i know this because thousands vote and people get elected but not every one votes and most vote for people BECAUSE they are black or look good. and that's ridicules. i think its noobel to try and change a country for the better but this country has a system for doing just that. so use it.

[-] 2 points by Korav (5) 13 years ago

As for the 'If you don't like it, why don't you leave?" remark, a lot of the occupiers are our educated, indebted peers. If they leave there is no positive outcome: either A, they get caught and thrown in jail for attempting to flee from their loans or B, if they don't get caught, you have intellectuals leaving the country and a loss of capital. I hope those are not the two best answers you can come up to 'solve' their dilemma (as you infer). It's lose-lose for everyone.

[-] 0 points by saveourfreedom (10) from Fairbanks, AK 13 years ago

educated to what extent? maybe this is just me but i was taught from a very young age that if you have debts get rid of them and that your first priority. if you( meaning the afore mentioned "...educated, indebted peers.") have debts that they can't recover from then i hardly would call them intelligent. and would probably go to say that the average I.Q. in the US would rise if they left. and higher I.Q. hopefully means smarter people Smarter people means better elections, better elections means better government. thus i believe that losing them would hurt are economy much less then u think.

you see i don't think you guys are bad people i just think your miss led i hope you could see that what your asking the government to do will just cause a bigger problem. what you should be asking the government to do is LESS, not more. the free market economy is the closest thing to perfect a human can get. and government intervention only drives us farther away. i don't think u should stop trying to do something. oh no far from it. to be honest i think its noble to stand up for what u believe in and what u think will help are country and to that i say bravo. but i am sorry to say that u are wrong. so don't stop just go in the right direction.

[-] 1 points by blackdeathgrind (1) 13 years ago

You're talking about the need for smarter people in this country and you can't even distinguish between "our" and "are" or spell worth a shit. You talk in circles and double negatives and everything you say adds up to nothing. If people don't like it, they should leave? And go where? You fucking piece of shit, make me leave. Try it. The system of which you speak for making things better is broken. We need major overhaul, not the same old crap. People like you are the ones who should leave - leave this world.

[-] 1 points by saveourfreedom (10) from Fairbanks, AK 13 years ago

i think you are being very offensive. and true i can't spell very well but that is because i don't spend my time on that. i spend it on other things. i don't think spelling is that important but that's just me and it has nothing to do with this argument so why don't you actually come to the table with some facts. instead of just insulting your opponent. its not the same old crap. i think we need a reform BUT. a reform of less government not more. insisting that all should get free health care, and telling the government to some how get out of a 15 trillion dollar deficit is oxymoron. they can't go side by side. free health care will make a country go bankrupt. which we already should be. are you really mad at me cause i like to think for myself? i found the truth(or at least what i believe to be that) and am trying to help people see it. I'm not shoving it down there throats I'm just letting them know whats out there. and there is plenty of other places you can go there is a whole world out there. now i think that America is the most free and is based on a good document, plus i was raised here and i love America. so i don't think I'll leave but i also think that if are government continuous to try and control the economy(which will just end in failure) that i might consider it. and in the future Blackdeathgrind if you could try to restrain you rude insulting behavior it would be appreciative. thank you and God bless

[-] 2 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

Tell me why republicans went and posted a bill to be passed only to desert the idea once Obama agrees with it?

Its happened more than once sir... you think old money and politics doesn't have a thorn in their side to see a colored man as president?

Honestly and this is just honesty, if you believe racism is over and you believe that people don't see the color of one mans skin and discriminates then you live in a utopia or a different America.

How many racial slurs have I heard from those rich white people that fly down to Arizona? God if i didn't look pure white they wouldn't say half the crap they do in front of me...

All I'm saying is that is part of the reason and if you don't believe racism plays even a little inkling in how republicans could not agree on a deficit to save the American people versus their own pride!

I'd have to say you must be one of the few who aren't being affected by their choices

[-] 1 points by saveourfreedom (10) from Fairbanks, AK 13 years ago

my apologies i was i little to exaggerated and miss spoke. i guess i got to caught up in the argument. i simply mean that I am not racist and most of the people that i associate my self with are the same. as i believe (and i can't truly argue cause i have little knowledge on the subject) the bill you are talking about was not deserted cause he was black but because as i recall they made "minor" changes to it before hand and the republican party was not willing to negotiate. and unfortunately i do believe that racism has a role in politics. tho as a republican (not for the reasons of agreeing with them but more that they are as close to my ideals as i can get) i will look over what you said because i could not mindfully associate myself with a party that is as raciest as you say. i hope you do not see me as rude for i am only trying to shed light on a dark matter.

[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

No need to apoligize nobodies wrong here, your technically correct yourself.

I couldn't say that the whole republican party would be racist at the core sadly and unfortunately there will always be a form of racism. In communities, in the world, I don't know if its human nature or if its how were brought up.

But, if i said the whole of the world let alone american is free of racism i'd be lying to myself and everyone out there.

In the end I think my biggest issue... is that our congress, our lobbyist, our government officials essentially no longer do whats right for us as a whole any reasonable person especially on our debts and deficit would come to the conclusion something must be agreed upon.

However the republican party backed out at the last minute... after coming with an agreement what maybe 2 months ago or so.

Leaving the country to go into default and worse, leaving americans the average joe, the ones who can only get by pay check to pay check to suffer a backlash and harsher hardships than the ones they fall on now.

I apoligize myself, I know not every politician is a dirty one, I know I cant hold them all and put a blanket lable on them such as Racist.

Though I think I can say I respect Obama, he stepped up to the plate after the economy was already falling apart... He's taken on large responsibilities and I'm sure he's found limits to his power.

Promises he made that he realized unfortunately could not keep. Such as universal health care, or immigration reform, or getting our troops home asap.

In fact that health care thing, he got into a pretty bad spot with "health insurance companies" goes to show presidents do have limits.

The disagreements two parties refusing out right to negotiate... and Obama one man who can't make the decision without the two houses stuck in the middle.

[-] 1 points by saveourfreedom (10) from Fairbanks, AK 13 years ago

yea i agree with you. but i don't think obama is going at this the right way. you can't fix an economy by throwing money at it. in fact you can't fix an economy at all. it fixes its self you see all the great successfully economy reforms were from more government to less government. the more they get involved the more they screw with. i think that if the government cut spending stopped giving subsides and bailouts. are economy would have a ruff year or two then we would recover and be stronger then ever.

[-] 1 points by shifty2 (117) 13 years ago



Good article about congress'

[-] 0 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

Crimzon thank god for you and them

I personaly am glad that you guys are the striving force thank you,

all your votes in ALL the last elections paid off ( did all of you vote in all the elections) ,

all those letters,emails and phone calls to YOUR elected officials are going to work ( did you ever do such a thing),

now you can change what this was sarted for to change :egtrra/jgtrra ,thank god you are the force ( do you even know what those abbreviations are,they are what coined the "phrase(s) "corruption in govt by the rich/1%corporations","rich robbing the poor" ,etc...)

I thank you ( you know this is sarcasm right)

good fight

[-] 1 points by cantdefyoccupy (2) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Most of the people occupying have done all the things you have "suggested". You can't defy the fact that they're a force now.

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

cantdeny...you know that for a fact? MOST of them have done what I suggested? And I did not suggest I asked IF THEY did. Do MOST of them KNOW anything about what those abbreviations are that I posted? Do you?

Yes a force. THATS what they are a force of mostly misguided ,socially inept people that just want to,need to be part of ANYTHING that will accept them.

[-] 1 points by Korav (5) 13 years ago

Whether they're socially inept, misguided or 'normalized intellectuals', there are a lot of people who see a problem with the way things are. How can you so easily accept that all of these people across the country are somehow mentally and socially inferior to yourself? How can you assume that their claims are so obviously illegitimate simply because they are not uniform?

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

Korav,,,,Have you been down to these "protest" have you spoke with any of these "voicers", I have, do you liste to them when they "protest"...and I never said in any form that I am better than them or they inferior to me.

What makes me say those things? Not because they are not uniform,but,because if they ANYONE for that matter does not know and fully understand what they are "voicing" does not take them time to figure out,study see all sides of the "story" of what they are "fighting for" and just goes around making noise and doing it cause told to or because this is what someone says,or that they just latch onto ANYTHING that comes their way and can not stick to their "point" than it just shows they are doing it just to be part of somethng,anything.

When a person does that searches to be part of something part of anything not fully undertsanding that anything than they are usually doing it because they are socially inept and feel a need to satisfy their own inferioirty complex,low self esteem. Its not because they are not uniform its because they do not know what that uniform represents and just wears it.

[-] 1 points by Korav (5) 13 years ago

Regardless of what most people say here, I agree, there is going to be a level of 'follow the masses' going on. You're right, people do want to feel like they are a part of something and that they are understood. It's a human condition that happens globally, across all communities regardless of political or economic affiliation.

I have talked with protesters, yes. I've spoken with organizers (granted, very educated persons), and I think that the movement has clout. Consider this: at the age of seventeen, you know it's not wise to go into $100,000 of debt for a house or boat. It's not logical. But the vast majority of your middle class easily goes into $50,000-$100,000 of debt between the ages of 17 and 22 for education. It's built into the system, that people are expected to go into grave debt to get an expected education, and it's expected that the majority of those people will be paying those loans until they're in their forties. A question has been raised: Why is it so socially acceptable to chain our intellectual youth with debt and politically maneuver the scenario so said youth cannot leave, cannot file bankruptcy, and cannot escape the social system that they 'had' to accept before before they were wise enough to understand what said debt would do to them?

This is one of dozens of questions posed by the Occupy movement. The movement consists of war veterans and high-school graduates to labor unions and university professors. The majority simply cannot have that many problems, and the problems they do share are broad, such as the cry for their government to not be run by economic companies. To most of us, you're right: their broad demand sounds ridiculous. That being said, I would love it if government wasn't dominated by the market. And because of that I hold out hope, I visit the local protesters, and I remind my intellectual community that this is not an isolated incident but an entire social movement.

One last thing: you've mentioned that those in the movement would achieve a lot more if they came together in small groups, discussed what specific changes they wanted and posed said changes to their governing bodies. You might theoretically be right. But the vast, vast majority of people, especially the youth, do not feel like their voice holds value. That's why so many of them do not vote. This movement makes them feel empowered because, as small as they are, it has given them a forum to voice their complaints and ideas. Imagine: people feeling safe, or at least heard, when they speak up against the government. It's a beautiful idea, and one (as numerous have noted) that is riddled throughout our national history and ideology.

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

All that i ask of people ANYONE for that matter...especially those who are "speaking" for the "99%" as they put it...thats alot of people to be responsible for and when you speak for someone you are responsible for them. This mission statement of OWS has been thwarted and changed nobody even knows what heck is going on anymore not the "protesters" not the people they are protesting or the people they are protesting for. There are som many other issues that have nothing to do with it thrwon into the mix,you can not sought out the ingredients from cake batter once its mixed together.These other issues do not belong (student loans, war,fur,etc...) and the main issues should be understood by those "on the street" ans should be dealth with in a peaceful and non-criminal way.

Now for that debt of students I will tell you of my daughter I just told someone else :

My daughter,yes daughter as well. 20 years old in College..originally going to a Pvt college and wanted to go to medical school,always wanted to be in the medical field. Gets accepted into the school(s) she choose at the time. One school that she was going to would have required her taking out about,not alot,15-20k per year in student loans BEFORE any medical school and such. Because of the idea of repsonsibility I instilled in her and her good morals about overindulgence,she decided to go to a CUNY college. While there she than decides to NOT become a doctor,reason,the loans versus what they make these days,the insurance, and its not that elite club it use to be...lol...MY THOUGHTS what are you nuts...lol..but thats my greed,pride talking,other thoughts as long as shes happy I dont care if she wanted to be a janitor. My point she made this decison and made it responsibly. She decided to stick with nursing..still something she loves.She did not stick with something with the hopes and ideas of grandiosity or to feed her greed and her idea of happiness,money.power and prestige.

A little more about this kid of mine. I love her to death and she is a haooy person. Funny thing is she been working since she is 15 in a bakery/cafe sometimes counter sometimes waitress. She graduated High school with honors and is a 3.9 I think gpa student (a step below 4.0) she looks like she stepped out of a victoria secret catalog,meaning she does not have to wrk this hard if she does not want to,she can just go be an air head and make money and live like some of her friends that family has money(more than her family...lol).

My daughter has a future because she is earning hers,working for hers and doing it responsibly. And her field she choose well hey I guess she looked into something that will always be needed

[-] 1 points by Korav (5) 13 years ago

Your daughter was, and likely still is, wise beyond her years. Beyond that, if her looks belong in Victoria's Secret and she has the brains to not only get an amazing job by excel and love that job simultaneously, that's amazing. She's incredibly fortunate, and fortunately has a strong sense of responsibility in her. She's not like the majority of the people on the streets, nor is she like the masses. Neither are you or I. But her case does not highlight the problems or issues that the majority of the people her age experience. She's one of the lucky ones. What of the unlucky?

I completely agree on your point that while some protesters are defending the 99% (and claiming to be part of the 99%) they shouldn't speak for the 99% (by saying they ARE the 99%). While I believe most know the distinction when we lay it out for them, lines have definitely become blurred, and locally more and more protesters are crossing this line. It's one of the bones I have to pick with the people I talk to.

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

BTW she still is s student shes is 20 now and I hope and can only pray she stays the course shes on in career( that makes her happy monetarily and spiritually) life,morally as well as and above all else,,,loI ... I believe in a good fight for a belief(s) but done the right way thats all...and also even believe that the masses can "win their fight" if you stick to YOUR fight and handle it the rigt way. In doing that wether everything,some of, or nohing gets changed you did win. You win by fighting the right way and acting properly,responsiby and morally.

[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

yep thank god for us!!!

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

And that is why? I really would love to hear an intelligent explaination from your head and heart,in your own words.

[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

Sure 2+2 = 4... XD

you realize this is "sarcasm" right?

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

I hope the sarcasm is the part where this was said:

".... If you haven't yet realized you will soon that we the people are the governing force. We are strong and we are many! "

Thank you for clearing that up I thought it had to be someone being sarcastic...whew

[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

Oh so basically... even as a whole no matter how many of us stand up for our rights? We are inevitably going to lose?

So we should all just give up, give our freedoms away and let the ruling powers that are in office run amuck?

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

Thats a trick question....I need to run out for a bit... I will answer that later ...theres a yes no and well....to that answer...please be ever patient till I can get back and respond properly..do not want to be one of those I complain about and just asnwer in a rush and off the cuff ... I have Think B4 Speaking and not rush it to be fair to you me and anyone else paying attention. Thank you.


[-] -1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

No you aren't. Your politically correct mayor is holding your police back.

[-] 9 points by XXAnonymouSXX (455) 13 years ago

Way to stand strong brothers and sisters. Keep fighting! The time for change is now. www.thrivemovement.com

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

XX anonymouSxx Plese read above thread to Crimzon this pertains to you as well...Brothers and sisters huh? Until this is gone.

[-] 1 points by XXAnonymouSXX (455) 13 years ago

Not really sure what you are trying to say. It isn't clear in your statement. Plear reiterrate. Thank you.

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

what are you fighting for? your own words and ideas not what you hear being said? did you vote in ALL the last elections? Do you know why those phrases we used got started? Do you know what egtrra/jgtrra, means? thast what started those prhases and this movement. If you did not voet in ALL electins did not try to move your GOVT thru pen, voice & elections,if you do d not know what is the problem you are not fighting for change but fighting most probably JUST TO BE PART OF SOMETHING ,ANYTHING...once this is over your "fight" wih your "brothers and sisters" will no longer be instead of doing whast needed and alwasy remain vigilante in your "fight". Next you probably want to know how to be vigilante in a NEVER ending "fight"

[-] 2 points by XXAnonymouSXX (455) 13 years ago

I respect your right to an opinion but I don't agree with it. We are all humans. We all seek happiness. Through recognizing that we are all connected to each other and the Earth we can come together as the human movement an find more creative and sustainable ways to thrive here. "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

[-] 2 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

Well thank you but I still do not know what you are doing to fight and will do to continue to fight vigilantly with your brothers and sisters. Its not an opinion its a question(s) to you. I not once said anything about my thoughts on this in my thread to you.

"..power of love overcomes love of power..." this is a nice proverb,thought, I can not agree with that more....and there I believe lies the REAL issues in this world. The love of THINGS on ALL OUR parts vs the love of others and ^. If you know what i mean with the greater than sign.

[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago


Here this video explains a small part of just exactly what they are fighting for and why!

In fact this video when i first saw it was more enlightening than I thought it would be.

Its only a small part of why I support the OWS movement, trust me its not boring ether.

The other reason I have a 2 year old little girl , I want my girl to have a future Mitch, there are kids with college degrees and yet they cant get a job in their career fields.

Trust me when I say this they are not fighting for themselves and their own selfish desires. They are fighting for future generations, we have it bad, but just think how much worse it could get for those down the line.

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

I can not no way agree with these college students having loans that they can not pay back cause they can not get a job in their field,,,,BAD CHOICES ON THEIR PART an if they want a JOB they can get one,should they choose not to take what they feel is not good enough for them or enough money for them to meet their NEEDS than again their BAD CHOICES not mine or the "1%" or the Govt.

My daughter,yes daughter as well. 20 years old in College..originally going to a Pvt college and wanted to go to medical school,always wanted to be in the medical field. Gets accepted into the school(s) she choose at the time. One school that she was going to would have required her taking out about,not alot,15-20k per year in student loans BEFORE any medical school and such. Because of the idea of repsonsibility I instilled in her and her good morals about overindulgence,she decided to go to a CUNY college. While there she than decides to NOT become a doctor,reason,the loans versus what they make these days,the insurance, and its not that elite club it use to be...lol...MY THOUGHTS what are you nuts...lol..but thats my greed,pride talking,other thoughts as long as shes happy I dont care if she wanted to be a janitor. My point she made this decison and made it responsibly. She decided to stick with nursing..still something she loves.She did not stick with something with the hopes and ideas of grandiosity or to feed her greed and her idea of happiness,money.power and prestige.

A little more about this kid of mine. I love her to death and she is a haooy person. Funny thing is she been working since she is 15 in a bakery/cafe sometimes counter sometimes waitress. She graduated High school with honors and is a 3.9 I think gpa student (a step below 4.0) she looks like she stepped out of a victoria secret catalog,meaning she does not have to wrk this hard if she does not want to,she can just go be an air head and make money and live like some of her friends that family has money(more than her family...lol).

My daughter has a future because she is earning hers,working for hers and doing it responsibly. And her field she choose well hey I guess she looked into something that will always be needed .

Point is do not tell me about students and such or loans..

For the video I did not look yet and I will. Fight for something you understand believe in I am tottaly for and agree with if you undertsand it. Fight does not mean act out illegally and violently.Fight for something to fight for IT not just because you want a fight or to argue or be a rebel.

[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

I wanted to write an essay to you... but sir, I do not believe that would change a thing.

Those choices were choices sold to our generation. Get good grades, go to college, that diploma will give you a life.

Those bad choices were sold by parents, television, politicians and almost every outsource you can think of.

I remember the words "no child left behind" well sir I am one of the many left behind.

As far as those irresponsible violators.

They have degrees, some of them are veterans did tours in Iraq fighting for our country. Others in different professions I have not seen one sign that screams they are hobos, druggies, hippies of the new millenium.

Read our amendments sir what they are doing is in our constitution it is lawful, but if you believe for one second that this has nothing to do with the government dislike of the idea, that big times companies dont feel the heat, that main stream media wont be used against them.

You are very wrong... and I pray your freedoms your rights never come into question, because if you could look at what they've done in LA in other places and say that is America.

Your one step closer to watching our country pick up traits that of a communist government.

One last thing, your daughters very luck to have you. Not all parents take care of their kids, I've had to struggle I've had to fight for everything I have.

I dont have mommy and daddy never did. Understand not every young adult got the same life your kid has. Unfortunately some of us, really are in the fight for our futures.

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

Wait before we go any further how old are you if you are a product of a slogan that has only been around for a few years now,maybe 5?

[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

25 years old sir,

No I'm not one of the many college kids with college debts, I didn't get that far.

I've been working since I was 14 years old, so trust me responsibility was learned early especially since as I stated before mommy and daddy werent in my life.

I was in HighSchool when bush pulled out that campaign, first time I got disappointed in our government too. Gore won the election and Bush's daddy goes hold on I think we need a recount.

How hard is it to really believe that election was rigged after that moment?

As far as what I've done with my life, I gained a cdl, I've started a small trucking company and I write literature.

I had my choices sadly college was not one I could choose, you see although my parents weren't in my life, by choice I may add. Their income was one of college requirements for me to attend school.

Did you know being broke, starving, pay check to pay check, having to fend for yourself at 18. Government grants, student loans, will not approve you. You have to be 24 years old, to qualify for loans grants etc to go on your income rather than your parents?

Well anyways now that you know my age, sir I've been in the trucking business since I was 21 honestly I know how men look at me and still look me.

I'm just a baby... I've got no words worth saying I doubt anything a 25 year old has to say is worth hearing out even under the circumstances and the type of lets say "up-bringing" I had.

[-] 8 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

More beautiful everyday...we are working technology to an amazing advantage for the people, keep it up! Unify across borders, continue to build the base for the long haul. Remember, there will be no fix it...our main dilemma's have come because WE forgot...dont ever let us forget again! Be those gadflies of tension, every way that we think and feel is the right way!

[-] 5 points by jjoplin (25) 13 years ago

This is just a beautiful moment. I am so proud of everyone who has become a part of the OWS movement. We will dismantle the institutions of each city, one by one so that we can begin again. The corporations will fall, and they will see that we never needed them to begin with. We will lead from the bottom up, with our brothers and sisters in solidarity. Everyone will have a voice and we will finally live in the dignified society that we deserve. Education, housing and healthcare are our rights as human beings and people are seeing with every successful action that we are the 99% and we do not need nor want the spoils of the 1%. Our values, brotherhood, equality, and solidarity are winning. OWS is winning. Keep it up everybody!

[-] 4 points by brooklyn4life (18) 13 years ago

wish New York Police State Times had the decency to throw up a lead story like this.

or how about a photo of Bloomberg in Bermuda - every. single. weekend.


[-] 4 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Wonderful. Keep it up!!

As I mentioned in my article "The Transition Phase: The Road to Freedom" we have to expect that the police are going to make things difficult for the Occupy Movement. It is, however, important to think in long term perspective. On the way to a free, democratic, egalitarian and just society we must continue the fight no matter what. We have to expect lots of opposition from the elites and their supporters and servants. Not only do we have to expect and prepare ourselves for media-propaganda, we also have to expect more police brutality. Its a natural reaction of the finacial elite who will become more and more scared of the movement(s) as they grow. The state and government are often very servile to the wealthy finacial elite, especially in the US where the wealthy more or less control policies. The police is a tool of the business-run, or business-influenced state to try to crush the ones who want to take back from the wealthy what has been stolen thru bailouts, exploitation and speculation at the stock exchange. The elites are starting to feel threatened, they want to keep all that they have stolen, so naturally they want to stop The Occupy Movement and anyone else involved in the struggle with police force. These tendencies are however an indication that we´re on the right track: The elites are getting scared, and react by increasing their effort in trying to crush the movements. The finacial elite will however fail. Police brutality is counter-productive, it just leads to more support and sympathy for people engaged in the struggle among the general population.The Occupy Movement should, as I mentioned in the article, react with non-violent means including an increasing number of strikes; sit-down strikes, local general strikes, all of´em.

"What you should do is exactly the kinds of things that are going to lead to hysteria among privileged and powerful people" -Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky on where we go from here (at Occupy Boston, Q&A)

Noam Chomsky: Alternatives to Capitalism

Greetings and solidarity from Norway. yours s. struggleforfreedom

[-] 3 points by Jester (30) 13 years ago

Resistance is Prime

Success in occupation isn't necessarily a numbers game, but more-so rests in our ability to hold fast. Look back at the most influential protests, it was not the number arrested alone that gave pause to the reaction of enforcement and of other officials, but rather the strength of resistance displayed by the people. Well done LA! Inspirational for us all. Peace!

[-] 3 points by aeturnus (231) from Robbinsville, NC 13 years ago

Where else can you go? Keep up the good work.

The parks belong to us. They are designed for public use. They belong to us. They may be private, but there are less and less public parks to use. We need more public parks.

And if we occupy a local state or town park, then who is the state or town to tell us we can't be there? Those are public parks. We need to advocate on pushing for more public parks.

Stop letting corporate interests buy up all the land!


[-] 3 points by sqrltyler (207) 13 years ago

The power of our numbers is our greatest strength. These are the three most popular issues I've seen in regards to our movement:

The No 1 agenda item: get the money out of politics. Most often cited was legislation to blunt the effect of the Citizens United ruling, which lets boundless sums enter the campaign process.

No 2: reform the banking system to prevent fraud and manipulation, with the most frequent item being to restore the Glass-Steagall Act – the Depression-era law, done away with by President Clinton, that separates investment banks from commercial banks. This law would correct the conditions for the recent crisis, as investment banks could not take risks for profit that create kale derivatives out of thin air, and wipe out the commercial and savings banks.

No 3: draft laws against the little-known loophole that currently allows members of Congress to pass legislation affecting Delaware-based corporations in which they themselves are investors.

If we rally around these core issues, that have democratically come to the forefront, our numbers will become unstoppable, as a majority of Americans are in favor of these changes.

We are The 99%, and this is only the beginning...


[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

I definitely agree with you on those things but I really don't see the numbers you speak of. I mean a few thousand people in the park really aren't that big of a deal. They probably get 20x that many every night at the Dodgers game with a few hundred thousand watching at home.

Frankly, this movement has maxed out it's proactive support with their current strategy (or lack thereof). Sure, people point to polls that might say 28% support Occupy, but how many of them do you think are going to pitch a tent in a park or do something else proactive?

Sticking with simple things like you mention above is really the only way Occupy can really gain support among the true 99%. The Tea Party had specific goals and a specific strategy and within a year that had some of their candidates winning office. It is remarkable really. Too bad most of the people here wouldn't be satisfied with only those things you post.

[-] 1 points by owsthentic (81) 13 years ago

The street protest or the encamping outside is just one of OWS things. It's not all. Some people are working on different plans the scene.

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

But without clear objectives there is a very definite ceiling to the amount of support OWS can obtain.

[-] 1 points by owsthentic (81) 13 years ago

If people by now still CANNOT see the demands or what the grivances are, I am speechless to out citizens. Then maybe we DESERVE this hardship!!

[-] 1 points by DrGonzo71 (44) from Beijing, Beijing 13 years ago

I find your repeated use of the non-word "proactive" disturbing.

[-] 2 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

Huh? According to Webster's it is a word...

Otherwise you make a great contribution to the discussion.

[-] 1 points by DrGonzo71 (44) from Beijing, Beijing 13 years ago

What exactly do YOU mean by proactive? Give some examples of what you would and wouldn't consider to be "proactive" support. Before you answer, please consider the logistics of fitting .24 x 300,000,000 in a public park.

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

Donating money or supplies, doing things in your own hometown, talking to other people to encourage them to join the movement, writing members of Congress, meeting with local candidates, being wiser where you spend your money, etc... There are a lot of things people can do without going to a park. Spending about 10 seconds answering a pollster question about supporting Occupy does not really count as support.

I don't agree with the Tea Party but you cannot deny that they know how to get things done. And it is really no secret. They are a clear, defined agenda and a strategy. As a result they have scores of "supporters" actually supporting them. It took them literally one year to get their candidates into office.

[-] 1 points by DrGonzo71 (44) from Beijing, Beijing 13 years ago

The tea party "gets things done" because they're funded by billionaires. The rest of your post is lies and misinformation. OWS has a clear agenda, goals, and strategy. If you can't see that by now, I can't say you're a very observant person.

[-] 0 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

Obama and the Democrats take in just as much money from the rich.

And you can honestly say that the majority of America, the true 99%, can look at OWS and say they know exactly what they stand for? I don't. And why on earth would people and politicians want to get behind a movement where they don't really even know what they are getting behind.

You hear everything from campaign finance reform, which most of the 99% would agree on, and you also hear things like a cap on income or a large inheritance tax, things that are not nearly as popular.

[-] 2 points by DrGonzo71 (44) from Beijing, Beijing 13 years ago

I'm sorry, Mooks, I think there's been a misunderstanding. I had thought maybe you were merely misinformed, but as it turns out you're just another fox news troll hellbent on deliberately spreading misinformation. Like any troll, I do not wish to carry on a discourse with you, and I sincerely wish you and your kind would learn how to STFU. Shame on you. How can you live with yourself and your life of deception?

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

How am I a troll? Because I don't agree with you? I joined these boards almost 3 weeks before you did and have been having civil conversations with others ever since.

I even donated $20 for supplies the week after the occupation started in NYC. I had high hopes that OWS would finally be able to get the money out of politics and Washington DC. I have just been beyond disappointed with the direction that Occupy has gone in. You may understand the goals, and I may understand some of them, but to think that the majority of America will actually back this movement, as it currently is, is naive.

[-] 1 points by cantdefyoccupy (2) from New York, NY 13 years ago

So quite simply you're uneducated?

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by DrGonzo71 (44) from Beijing, Beijing 13 years ago

Obama and the democrats have nothing to do with OWS. More disinformation and lies. The preamble to the US Constitution is more ambiguous than expressed OWS agendas and goals.

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

Well you pointed to the billions the Tea Party get as a reason to their success. I was just pointing out that their opponents, the Democrats, also are getting those billions so that can't be the only reason they get their candidates in. And who brought up the Constitution?

And you never answered my question. Can you honestly say that the majority of America, the true 99%, can look at OWS and say they know exactly what they stand for?

Sure some people are articulate and express their goals, but then you get the kid who hasn't taken a shower in a week holding a sign saying "erase all debt." The majority of America wants nothing to do with that



[-] 2 points by mja (14) 13 years ago

Its exciting to see us coming together as one.The truth is inevitable!

[-] 1 points by oldguy (17) from Oakley, MI 13 years ago

Let's boycott Pinks Hot Dogs, they advertise for BoA !

[-] 1 points by TJSeabury (1) from Longmeadow, MA 13 years ago

I find it funny and really sad that, from reading through the comments, those
who are opposed to OWS cannot even form a coherent thought. Never mind use proper English. Your all a credit to our country and it's declining socio-economic conditions. :D GOOD JOB!

[-] 1 points by jailtheoccupiers (3) 13 years ago

If any of these mayors had any balls, they would let the police crack a night stick over the heads of these douche lords to make up for the beating they obviously never got from their fathers because he was a pussy.

[-] 1 points by Crimzon (91) from Arizona City, AZ 13 years ago

Possibly after what happened in LA, however that doesnt mean with numbers that force can't grow!

Those people out there are standing up for our freedoms our rights

[-] 1 points by Supersean (1) 13 years ago

wow, this story is completely untrue. no attempt at eviction was made on Monday.

[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago

Expand the Occupation to the Federal Reserve Bank branch in LA.

950 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90015

[-] 1 points by BlowTorch (6) 13 years ago

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and that certainly fits the situation now seen at the highest levels of power in Western civilization. In essence, the story is that the true source of power in the West, control of the financial system, fell into the hands of fanatical religious cultists who wanted to artificially make the prophecies in an ancient religious text (the Torah or Old Testament), come true. This fraud-based is enterprise is now falling apart. The result is unprecedented chaos at the highest levels of power in the sect-controlled governments of the United States, England, France, Italy, Germany and their slave states. One of the immediate triggers is a lawsuit that was filed in New York on November 23rd, claiming the assets of the global financial system belong to the people of the planet and not a powerful religious cult that uses the United Nations as a façade.

[-] 1 points by owsthentic (81) 13 years ago

I love you guys in LA fighting for this cause!! Admire you guys, Democracy fighters! Keep on fighting. We will all do our part in our own cities. WE ARE "ONE'!


[-] 1 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 13 years ago

Keep Changing. Keep Focusing Attention on the 1%. The 1% Want All of the Money, but, they don't like the Attention. Fair-ness.

[-] 1 points by maksims (5) 13 years ago

i love your post. good work! http://swfconvertermac.com

[-] 1 points by icfmike (173) 13 years ago

A thank you note to 'occupyfreedom' the lady photojournalist that was streaming sunday night, monday morning. I loved your coverage, wanted to bring you some coffee, espresso poured into steamed milk. Great coverage, you're great, please continue....

[-] 1 points by far2wrld (53) 13 years ago

"Stand your Ground Ocuppyers "The World is Watching!"


[-] 1 points by Lok (7) 13 years ago

Actually, I watched the ustreams all night and the commander that was walking around and warning people to get out of the street and onto the sidewalk or park, since standing in the middle of it and obstructing traffic IS illegal, was really polite and calm. Whoever wrote this article just blew this far more out of proportion than it ACTUALLY was. The cops didn't even come in full riot gear. They expressly said "Get out of the street and no one will get arrested. By staying in the street you choose to be arrested." They even said by 2AM that they wouldn't evict. The police only stuck around to make sure no one went back into the street and they were very VERY clear about that. You're painting an evil picture of a a police department that made negotiations peacefully and calmly and did a GREAT job. They knew they couldn't take the camp and they were really fucking classy about it, which is more than some can say for some of the people that were called to action last night and thought it would be a lovely idea to throw bottles at the police and borderline violently get in their faces. So, as a supporter of the movement a witness to just about everything that happened last night I think I can safely say that your little "article" is worded a little strangely. Give credit where credit is due. This has so far been one of the only if not THE only police department and MAYOR who has attempted to work as best as they can with Occupy, despite your disagreements. Take THAT as a victory because this is what you NEED to keep your stand-still movement alive

[-] 3 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

i agree. i think both sides had a victory in spite of the few bad apples.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

wonderful truly! we have the numbers to overwhelm them! everyday everywhere overwhelm them! waste their money while WE PARTY!! so you are all invited do not miss this big party, great celebrations! COME OUT AND SHOW THEM! now we know we can beat the police join us for the victory to come! get on the right side against these LAPD THUGS! let's drive them into a tail spin! let's back them into the sea! look at our beautiful UPRISING!!!!


[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 13 years ago

It says a crowd of 2,000. That is not even .001% of the population of LA. How does that qualify as a governing force?

[-] 0 points by SpartacusTheSlave (60) from Las Vegas, NV 13 years ago

Get ready. That was just a reconnaissance mission. The LA police were just testing your defenses. Now they will recruit reinforcements, and return when you least expect it, in full force.









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