Forum Post: Everything I Do is Illegal
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 5, 2012, 2:42 a.m. EST by Kanvus
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am John Doe, a regular American. I like to enjoy life but it seems that everything fun is illegal to the world's standards in some way, or at the very least, shameful in society. I wouldn't be brash enough to claim any saintliness, but I thank every bite of food I consume and share a relationship with this planet, as natives did and do.
Additionally, I wouldn't hurt a leaf let alone other humans without feeling substantial remorse. So with that said, I enjoy as many hobbies as the world offers, and a portion of them, I could go to jail for. Even saying the wrong combination of words to the wrong person, could get me reported and sent away, even if the statement was based in honesty and peace. Anything I do that could possibly raise a smidgeon of consciousness and awareness, is counted as the most serious of crimes.
I'm a pretty average person but I'm ready to do something remarkable: help form a world where awareness isn't something you need to hide.
It's difficult to be part of a community, when they have so many laws to use against anyone who uses the word injustice in public.