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Forum Post: Everyday Actions for Everyday Citizens

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 8:53 a.m. EST by xxcONScIENcExx (172)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Start today! I can tell you that not only does this feel a bit liberating but it's good for the economy and fun for the whole family. Little kids sure love stuffing envelopes. In my household, we look forward to junk mail. We really like sending back political propaganda to the banks and making them pay for it.




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[-] 1 points by xxcONScIENcExx (172) 13 years ago

Sure.. why not...


Today i sent an e-mail http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments to the WH, and i am hoping people will call and or e-mail the WH with similar sentiment: Let’s start calling the White House [202-456-1111] to send the President a message something like: We need you, our President, to stand up for our 1st Amendment Rights and stop the police brutalization in our cities against all patriotic Americans known as the 99%. About a week or so ago an 84-year old woman, a priest, and a pregnant 19 year old woman were attacked by Seattle police. The pregnant woman was punched in the stomach. She is purported to have suffered a miscarriage as a result of this brutal attack. We are the Citizens of the United States of America. We ARE the People. We need you, our President, to listen to us and stop police violence against us in our own country. The State department has come forward to reject the violence in Egypt from the military on its citizens. Why are we not afforded the same democracy?