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Forum Post: Every Sector we all take issue with is raping the people not because they have the freedom to do so but because the GOV has given them incentives to do so.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:14 p.m. EST by VindicatedVigilante (176) from Fort Worth, TX
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Housing and the cost of school - Both are issues because 1. the Fed held interest rates low (adding incentive to borrow) and 2. secured the loans (adding incentive to loan). EDIT This is the effect of Keynesian or crony- capitalism. Which by the way if you understand the market you can make tons of money in down time! Thus I contend this is intentional - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqN3amj6AcE&feature

Health care - The issue with the premiums are the government subsidies. The issue with insurance in general is it has become a way to encourage financial negligence and substituted dependence. What the GOV and insurance companies have done is insure cost stay high by imposing unnecessary regulations and fighting claims whenever possible. However this is understandable. If insurance companies did not cover everyday procedures i.e. child birth, etc. Then the price (of child birth etc, etc) naturally moves toward the price of production. Especially considering new technology and innovative methods of treatment. “The government has to stop subsidizing insurance so that employees can get wages instead of healthcare benefits. And then they can buy the insurance they want, and they'll care about the cost. And if we get the insurance companies out of it, we can get price discovery. We can get people competing on price. Doctor's don't compete on price right now because nobody cares about the price, because somebody else is paying for it.”




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