Forum Post: Every purchase is a vote. Why are we still voting the 1% into power!?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 1:55 p.m. EST by AMH
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Buy from small businesses. Buy from cooperatives. Avoid or outright boycott those businesses that put money into the coffers of the 1%.
Yes. Thank You. It is really hard to find a product that is not a part of the 1%. All of a sudden I started finding food products made locally that listed no chemicals on the label and were actually cheaper than the 1% brands. The amount of chemical cocktail we eat in those brands is insane! Nor is everything still made in USA is more expensive. Also we grow food why are we buying food made is china and packaged in the USA? Watch what you buy. In time you will find products of better quality and ones you prefer. Look around your house. How much do you buy that is made in China? It is hard to find certain items made in USA. We have to support the small business owners doing the right thing! We are under attack by more than our 1%. We are under financial attack by China and others as well.
We must understand that in order to acomplish what we want and what the American public needs, we must simply stop taking the 'easy' route. Big name companies such as Nike, McDonalds and Walmart are simply farming off of our ability to be manipulated by the media, and by what society dictates as 'right'. In the meantime, they are continuing to not only corrupt our own government and society, but have their evil reach out and implant holds into countries around the world. We must now stop and simply think for ourselve. We can no longer allow others to do our thinking for us. Once we stop acting like mindless drones, we will force Big Business in general to start cleaning up it's act.
If you get it, then please do your part & spread the word. I can only tell so many people there is a way out.
who's your ISP?
Do you use Google??
It's just proof of how far down we've let things slide that it's impossible to completely boycott them. But we can change that. Cooperatives put the profits in the pockets of the poeple. I'm going to start a co-op so I have an option that benefits the "little folks". I recommend the same to anyone who can't find an alternative. Change has to start somewhere.
nothing wrong with that. more power to you.
buy local. do it on your own. don't rely on Govt.
I can get behind all those concepts.
because an iphone is cooler than a pantech. because McDonald's is cheaper than farmer's markets. because the yankees rule!
no one understands what they want. stoned-out jobless morons walking the street.
want to hear something funny? I lost my job about a month before the "occupation" started. What did I do? passed all CPA exams, and got a new job. I accomplished more with my future than any of the worthless babies demanding debt forgiveness and unlimited credit.
good luck. losers.
good luck with your future man I am glad someone has taken advantage of the opportunities this great country has to offer
I never spoke a word about debt forgiveness. I don't own a credit card either. Nor do I have any outstanding loans. And I have a job making good money. But I still think the system is broken. You think you're special because you've succeeded. You had a 9 in 10 chance of that. But what about the 1 in 10 people who need jobs, who want the opportunity to work for a living, and are being denied that because they are obsolete in an automated economy? Are they supposed to starve? Are they supposed to be reduced to living off the backs of their friends & relatives? Are they supposed to magically just go away? Find a job that isn't there? You're anecdotal story of your own personal luck doesn't change the fact that we have nearly 10% unemployment. That's not because people don't feel like working. That number is calculated as the number of people actively seeking jobs. People who have swallowed their pride & started taking welfare aren't even considered in that number. Adjust your assumptions and your holier-than-thou attitude.
do you know what government hand outs existed before the great depression? (talking unemployment, medicare, social security, subsidized housing, etc...)
did I mention luck? I did say I lost my job - I'd call that bad luck.
standing around complaining does nothing - and lets be honest, that's all these people are doing. I'm not holier than them, I just work harder than them. I didn't succeed by chance, I earned it.
and don't give me obsolescence. that was the point of my story! I didn't sit on the couch waiting for another job, I made myself applicable for another job.
yes, unemployment is high. especially for, say, artists. tough. don't be an artist. find what works, qualify yourself, and get to work. Otherwise, get out of my street so I can get to work.
It does accomplish something: it increases awareness, if nothing else. Why am I on this site, proposing solutions, when I have a job I'm happy with already? Because I can recognize that there is a systemic problem of which this movement is a symtpom. It is getting harder out there, and why is that? We have better technology, more wealth. Why aren't things getting easier now instead of harder? Because while yes there is more to go around, not everybody gets to see those benefits, even when they put in the effort. Go read about the Great Depression & find out how that can end up being everybody's problem.
awareness? yes. I am aware that unemployment is high and the economy is in bad shape - that's why I lost my job. I didn't need backed-up traffic, urine soaked streets, and pot smoke clouding my neighborhood to tell me that.
half of the people that were kicked out of the park this morning were recording it on their iphone. so while I appreciate your solution, I don't think this is the right crowd.
Therefore, I propose another solution. we now have a structural unemployment problem in this country. Unzipper the tent, get off my street, go to the (free) library. learn something about IT, engineering, law, whatever... and fill the structural unemployment gap.
by the way, this is no great depression. though it will be, if everyone keeps expecting gov't handouts, contributing nothing to society, and refusing to pay taxes.
Unfortunately they want an ideal and don't know how to get it. From what I've seen in this forum the ideals are many and sometimes contradictory. Some good ideas and opportunity to actually make change is getting lost.
This post wasn't about an ideal. It was about a possible solution to the real problem, which is that the standard model for corporations leads to an accumulation of wealth in a minority's hands. Co-ops in particular are my favorite, because they work just like corporations except that they are democratically controlled & their profits are divided up between their customers or workers. And as far as the contradictions... This is a large & diverse group of people. Not a group organised around a solution, but rather a group organised around a problem & trying to find a solution. Contradiction is a necessary part of that process.
You watch too much fox news.
I don't watch TV at all. It's mindless garbage.
Sorry that was directed at the other guy. Not sure why it came up under you.
Which one?