Forum Post: even old Chinese boyfriend who abhorred tiananmen sq massacre
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 7:42 a.m. EST by orianavfallaci
from San Francisco, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
is now part of the Chinese power elite and a billionaire industrialist... and maintains silence on the political repression of free speech there (let alone no doubt actively repressing any real representation of rank and file union organizing in his company as a guy who would have been in charge of firing such for the past couple decades both there and in the u.s.)... so like most folks, has become part of the problem (while profiting immensely from the exploitation of his fellow Chinese and considering himself a separate "class").
And as for his honoring how deeply he loved me, he refused to even so much as pass my resume after over 2 years unemployment... and gave me a nice dinner and exactly $800, which I suppose to a billionaire industrialist, was my total net value as what he claimed to be the only woman he had ever been in love with... nice to know from someone who once believed that "love will conquer all" but who can't criticize a sister who in fact proudly ended it all with a phone call to announce "It's over." The almighty dollar was her lover, and so it became his as well.
But old age should rage at end of day... Rage, rage against the dying of the light...
The characteristic Taiwanese family has been described as "corporate" in structure. I had no idea that it would take on a literal meaning...
We need to think about! You want it?
The sister was so pissed that I criticized her... and she is so well-placed with the Chinese government that she threatened to invoke what could only be the power of the Chinese Communist police-state when she claimed the power to come drag me out of my home and that it would make police abuse here look like nothing at all... and I'm in California.
After all, it's not right that there are conscientious citizens in China who are languishing in prison for exercising their civil rights and in having done so in the past made for a more livable civil society in China for the new Taiwanese billionaires, who in turn, despite their opportunities at top-shelf American universities, do nothing to further the cause so as not to risk their opportunity for even greater wealth and of course political privilege.
For the children of the power elite, who their parents ensure will meet the "right" people by sending them to the "right" universities, being a social activist is nothing more than a hobby for them, since there are never any real consequences that money and privilege can't buy them out of. And it's just not the same being an "activist" and appearing to be just like everyone else when you're actually a multi-millionaire as a college kid... not the same at all. Most of us actually have to work for a living just to survive.
All you really need to do is to look up all these guys' bios (published biographies) and note all the fine U.S. schools they come from, including ones that pride themselves for top-shelf liberal education. Then just publish a highly-visible and well-placed (i.e., cross-linked with various sites like this one, with some editing for English usage, along with good use of keywords for the search engines) wall of shame, along with anonymous but verifiable accounts of actual worker experiences. That ought to do it.
What are you asking?
What can I say - some people are just users. I just didn't like him staring at a young Chinese woman who was seated beside me with her boyfriend through the last 20 min of our stay in the restaurant. What did he expect her to do - get up from her seat and come service him sexually? Geez. Some people got a lot'a class. You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take crass sexism out of the child-man.