Forum Post: Even Janet Napolitano Can't Kill An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 10:28 p.m. EST by Restorefreedomtoall1776
from Bayonne, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An idea can't be pepper sprayed to death, as DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano is slowly learning (because most people in government are slow learners) and neither can over 300,000,000 Americans be told to shut up, take our toys and go home. If America is destined to have its own version of a clueless Queen Marie Antoinette, I suspect that Napolitano will be stuck with that historical label. She'll probably say, "let them eat **! Now that we know Queen Janet and DHS coordinated the recent 18-city-attack on OWS, we can understand the depth of evil which may reside in the interesting cranial cavities of governmental drones.
This is why OWS needs to engage in more strategies like global economic boycotts; and mass non-compliance. Let's evolve.
I'm more concerned with her lies about illegal immigration,.