Forum Post: Even Finance accounting is out sourced to India
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 10:31 a.m. EST by vats
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Guys here is news, Even Finance accounting is out sourced to India, By companies in US , so what do expect un employment in US.
They don't. So, basically, we have multinational corporations that want all of the good things about this country without any responsibility. They can leave.
They WILL!! Then they will export their products and services to this country, costing the consumer even more. See how that works?
Get to packing. See-you-later-bye. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lawd split ya.
when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
SO you have no problem with corporations leaving America and taking jobs and MONEY overseas?
what jobs?
The jobs that millions of people have right now. Look around. We have life very good. Everyday the freeways are jammed with people going to and from WORK! Actually most of these don't have the time to sit around and dream up "perfect" socialist utopias.
Just because they go to work it doesn't mean they work for the "oh so benevolent" corporations.
Corporations or corporatists? Oh, I had a problem with it in the 70s and the 80s and the 90s and 2000-2010. But, I do love this little game. Do this or we will leave. Don't tax the rich or they will leave. GTFO already. We have a country to put back together.
Last I looked, people are doing pretty damn well if you ask me. Elementary kids without cell phones are the exception. There is plenty of obesity. Every home I go into has the PC, laptop, X-Box and/or PLAYSTATION, microwave air conditioning, heat, nice clothing, and on and on. I can't count the times I have seen single, JOBLESS mothers in the grocery store line with shopping carts overflowing, kids with $150.00.oo sneakers and name brand clothing. She and her litter all have cell phones. Now these are our "poor" people.
you don't know the peoples' financial situation. they are most likely living paycheck to paycheck, nothing invested/saved, financed all with a credit card--and they pay the monthly minimum because they can't afford to pay more. hey i don't blame them for wanting ever-more... to each his own.
In what world are you living in?
So there are poor people. Always were and always will be. What is your point? Fortunately we live in a country in which people can better themselves and aren't held back by socialist measures. not yet anyway.
socialist measures? get a clue... we have tons of socialism here. did you ever hear of tax subsidies/ incentives,,, for starters.
Well, helloooooo there! Welcome to reality! How wonderful for you to recognize that there are poor people. You don't live in a country that one can currently "better themselves". You are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. How can you change that?
How am I a part of the problem? I have "bettered myself". What do you mean "people can't better themselves in this country"? Are you blind? There are millions doing it every day. Universities are full. Trade schools are full. People are working overtime, getting promoted, etc. every single day by the thousands. What are you talking about? Sometimes it takes SACRIFICE and isn't EASY, but millions do it.
Once upon a time, in a land not far away, people could work their ass off and get somewhere. They cannot do that anymore. You refusal to actually address that problem demonstrates that you are living in denial. You need to fix that.
""""people could work their ass off and get somewhere. They cannot do that anymore"""""
What do you mean "cannot"? Millions of people are doing it every single day. I see people buying cars, computers, cell phones that can launcmissileses. People are putting swimming pools in their yards, going on vacations, etc. Where is this place that people CANNOT? Is there a law against working and earning more money? Maybe if you tree hugging liberal socialists had your way there would be laws against gaining more wealth than someone else. But you haven't got that far.
Income and wages have stagnated since the 1970s. Perhaps looking outside of your window is not going to aid you in fixing your denial.
"""""Income and wages have stagnated since the 1970s"""""
You are kidding right?
No. I am not kidding. Look it up.
Let us take it to its logical conclusion, shall we? Let's outsource, offshore, and export EVERYTHING outa' here. There is a resulting cost when cost is the only factor considered. Once you've offshored everything, there's no market for your product or service. Those who think offshoring is advantageous have a malady called long range planning with short range brains.
And the individuals being paid a peck of flour for their labor have no interest in your product or service.
Then possibly Americans should stop expecting so much as a result of their labor. Also if the "market" is so "broke" that there is nobody left to market to, prices will drop as the mean income of consumers drops.. All across the board wage increases do is drive up prices for everyone and the dollar loses value. maybe it is time American workers start getting paid what they are really worth. Sorry, but lugging boxes around a warehouse shouldn't make a person wealthy.
It's called law(s). You know, a civilized society with infrastructure, that kind of thing?
Then, if you want wages to come down, then let's bring the cost of electricity down, water, rent, food, gas, etc etc etc. Funny, wages have been stagnating, NOT going up as you pontificate, but NOTHING else is going down.
Well those, "lets get me elected laws" don't seem to be working out so well for our economy does it? Artificially inflating the value of employees through government regulation doesn't do a damn bit of good in the end.
no, they sure don't because there's not a shred of difference between ANY of the parties. They're ALL bought and paid for. Best politicians money can buy!
Likewise, employers taking advantage of employees wages (livable that is, that's important) doesn't do a damn bit of good in the end, either.
And who gets screwed in the end? Right, the employee.
Then the employee should work to become the employer. So you believe someone with a private business should pay people more than what they are worth to the company? Why don't you start a business and pay some cashier $80K??? In the interest of fairness and not "screwing" him or her! You think the government should set wages instead of the market? What is your solution? Paying employees more than what they are worth to the employers?
I AM a business owner! I WAS an employee. My career was offshored in the never ending greed of corporatists. I absolutely do NOT believe in paying an employee more than they're worth. What I DO believe in is paying an employee a livable, fair wage. I DO think the government should set minimum wage! Future behavior can be predicted by past behavior. Employers are in general, taking advantage of the weak economy and paying a wage that is not livable while corporate profits are reaching heights heretofore never seen. Where is the "fairness" in that?
All raising minimum wage does is make whatever that amount is, worthless. If what a person does for a company does not demand a "livable wage", why should a business pay it? Artificially overvaluing employees has absolutely no good end. If the work I do doesn't make the company what would be considered a "fair livable wage", why should they pay me one. Remember, what an employee does for a company has to make the company the amount he/she is paid, just for the company to break even on their investment. Why should they pay someone more when someone else is willing to do the job as well or better for less? Why don't YOU start a business and hire an employee who nets you know profit? Or hire someone for double the amount that another person is willing to do the work for very efficiently? Would YOU?
"Why don't YOU start a business and hire an employee who nets you know profit?"
Considering that CriticalThinker started off their comment by saying they own a business, I am either going to assume that is a typo or you read right to left and couldn't be bothered to finish the comment.
Consider who decides the value of labor – actually, you know what, fuck it. I can't change your mind no matter how much of my being I invest in this response. Enjoy your fucking life.
The market is SUPPOSED to be what decides the "value" of labor. Not emotional laws and regulations to appease a bunch of sheeple crying, "I deserve more because I work 40 hours/week.", and "It isn't fair that the owner just bought a beautiful Mercedes." Government laws and regulations are what ends up causing Inflation which drives down the value of what everyone earn, not the amount, but the VALUE! There is a reason CEOs, owners, and bosses etc. earn more. It is because they are CEOs, owners, and bosses. What kills me is how many of you sheeple took out mortgages on PREDETERMINED terms, a legal agreement, and then when you can't hold up your end of the bargain, you cry, "It isn't fair!" Well you thought it was quite fair when the bank was handing you $200,000.oo.
That is because they don't have "entitled" workers demanding more money than they are worth. They also avoid socialist regulations and policies from our government making the "value" of an employee much more expensive than he/she is worth. An employee is only really worth the lowest amount a competent efficient employee will do it for. Somehow in America, through socialist government and unions, that "value" has been artificially inflated with minimum wage laws, seniority determined reimbursement, and socialist governmental policies. If YOU were going to buy a machine of some sort, would you buy the one that does more and costs less, or would you buy the more expensive one that does the same or less?
Here is a thought, no where in the constitution does it say that you are allowed to screw the people in your quest for global domination. Somehow, due to a belief in Libertopia some people thought that they were "entitled" to screw people.
Nowhere does it say you are NOT either. Maybe Americans need to learn some fiscal responsibility, stop maxing out every credit card they can get so Little Sally can have an IPhone like the neighbors daughter, etc. Maybe Americans need to stop complaining about "big corporations" and then run like sheep to the mall on Black Friday to buy expensive gifts they cannot afford from those same corporations. Maybe some people need to learn that less expensive is all they can afford. People complain about these big businesses then run like sheep to buy their goods and services. Maybe Americans should show some discipline and not go out and buy every new "great" gadget that comes out.
To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and General Welfare of the United States;
And to Philippines as well. Big deal? Stop whining man. We do it better and cheaper. We get it. If you want to compete drop your prices.
Maybe some accountant in India knows what happened to that $1.2 billion of client funds Corzine can't find.
yep you are right , shows how corporate america works , geedy companies with out any commitmnet towards america
legal services too... such as due diligence on deals, trite litigation filings, etc...
It's the corporatists' race to the bottom.
The NYT wrote an article this year, I think, about legal work being outsourced and within the article, the NYT mentioned that the federal government outsources work as well. If your job can be digitized, it will likely go overseas.
yes including all hospital records are sent to india for processing that is it is out sourced, guys there is nothing that is not out sourced