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Forum Post: Envy and the anti-capitalistic mentality!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 6:16 a.m. EST by Realist12 (2) from Athens, GA
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The enemies of pure, laissez-faire capitalism --- a politico-economic model which has never been tried --- are adept at laying the shortcomings of government policy [statism] at the feet of capitalism.

And the more frequent, abject and complete the failure of these statist policies, the more urgently they demand more of the same.

But Austrian School [capitalist] economist Murray Rothbard argued that if our goal is the Benthamite "greatest good for the greatest number," then it is necessary to adopt laissez faire capitalism.

Is it true that there are unequal success rates among human beings --- and therefore unequal rewards in the free market? Sure!

My body mechanic [my doctor] and my auto mechanic both make more money than I do --- but of course I would not recommend that you hire me to remove your appendix or fix your car --- unless you're pretty much tired of living.

The market rightly rewards them better than it rewards me for their kind of work --- pero asi es la vida.



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