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Forum Post: Enough is Enough!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:48 p.m. EST by nightwing (1)
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Those protesting would make better use of their apparantly IDLE TIME, by doing what most unemployed people are doing, hitting the pavements trying to find jobs. Wake up!, you are not going to change one blessed thing, in fact, you are hurting the local businesses, financially. Sure, there's plenty wrong with our country, but Occupy Wall Street is only making things worse. Yes, everyone has the right to protest, but this is not protesting, this is squatting. Living in the park is not protesting, it's vagrancy!. How many of these protesters are homeless?, how many are unemployed?. They seem to think it's party time. Well, it's time for the party to end, and end it will, you can bank on it.



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