Forum Post: Enough already with the "Gov Plants"
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:04 a.m. EST by makeyourvoiceheard
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have seen a "wide range" of views on what is the problem(s) are, who is/are to blame and what to do about it at occupy SF. Some people I disagree with, sometimes STRONGLY disagree. Some people advocate actions I disagree with or sometimes strongly disagree with.this does not mean they are plants or agents trying to sow discontent.
I am sure there are some who are not really with the movement, but there are also those who are really with the movement that say/do things that damage public relations or the media jumps on.
Even with the highly suspect, I do not see a way anyone can make the "call" to remove them from the movement without being hypocritical.
If one was to ask people to leave for espousing views that might be "suspect", well over half of occupy SF would have to be removed.
There are people I see, who I protested the war in Iraq with years ago, and they are with occupy SF, (i.e. not who I think would be "plants") but really the things they say are quite crazy.
What is the difference between a "plant" advocating actions that would be against what "I" think are the best interest of the occupy movement and a "protester" advocating the same actions?
Point is, stop trying to place blame and bring it up in the GA. The GA should be the voice of the community, but if it becomes, "majority rule" and the majority starts kicking out the minority voices, (even if the voices talk about things which you think are crazy) well the movement will be dead as dead can be.