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Forum Post: England is fixing the banks

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 20, 2011, 1:25 a.m. EST by fixwallstreetnow (42) from San Francisco, CA
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This is basically Glass-Steagall, with derivatives regulation, and high capital requirements (still only 1/10). Why can't the US do this, it solves SO MUCH. We're living in such a risky world right now, with our future in the hands of the Wall Street casinos.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by OccupyLink (529) 13 years ago

Don't get too carried away. The provisions won't come in until 2019, at which time the banks will have changed themselves into some other shape in which to rip off the public and continue their fraudulent crimes and by the way, using prostitution services.

[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

Offshore banking must be required to be made transparent. The "reorganization" of the banks must begin with the Bank of England and require transparency immediately, obscure and outdated laws of secrecy should be immediately overruled; the fixing of the banks will be a natural outcome of such initiatives.

International sports organizations like the Olympics, Football, Athletics should disallow participation from countries whose financial institutions are not transparent.

International organizations like the UN must require all its member nations to remove their bank secrecy laws or lest be boycotted.

This all may seem utopian, however, whoever imagined a movement, such as the OWS movement, a couple of months ago.

As a side remark, this movement has silenced the daily and weekly "rantings" of the Fed

[-] 2 points by thrasymene (6) 13 years ago

the new world order is starting to look an awful lot like the new world order

[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago

There are several laws in Congress right now that could move us in the right direction. Many are suppressed by the exact same people who, in 1999, voted for repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Here is a list of the current members of Congress who crashed the U.S. economy in 2008.

[-] 0 points by bill1102inf2 (357) 13 years ago

UK with its 1000% Debt to GDP ratio is going to be the first to 'blow up' economically. Just watch

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

The people wont demand it. There were more people lined up in the shopping lines across the country than there were at the occupations.

Very sad.

[-] 1 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

England is fixing things just like they "fixed" (neutered) us back in 1933. Wait and see, this is British empire taking over the same way... Then unite under one world bank, central bank/currency - then NWO.... It is pretty much done, the rest is window dressing...Eventually USA will default, and the next chess move is "checkmate"

[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

It would be of great importance to investigate the Bank of England, its lack of transparency and the "heritage" it has bestowed on the Fed, Central Banks of Canada and Australia.

England is fighting to keep the secrecy and lack of transparency of this institution intact.

Occupy the Bank of England and audit its governor and board.

[-] 1 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Same to the Federal reserve

[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

Is there one good reason why the sovereign rating of England is not a C? and not one rating agency dare give it is true rating?

The answers lie in the ownership of the Bank of England - for all the wrong reasons.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Note England is on pound sterling, a true currency. The rest of us are on debt currency....With the rest, one must realize there is no spoon, it does not exist.

[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

What is in a name, debt in any form is the same?


"...The UK national debt clock is still ticking fast. We already owe more than £900 billion to investors at home and abroad. The Government says our debt will hit £1,043 billion by April 2011 and £1.2 trillion just one year later. Yes, that really is £1,216,000,000,000...."

"...The history of Britain's national debt

Before the late 17th century, it was customary for the state to fund its war debts by levying new taxes. But by 1694 the Nine Years' War had left the English Government's finances in tatters. We were forced to borrow £1.2 million at a rate of 8% from the newly formed Bank of England and national deficit financing was born.


National debt in the modern sense emerged in the the early 18th century, as banking and financial markets enabled the creation of debt through the issue of bills and bonds. Subsequently, the national debt rose from £12m in 1700 to £850m by the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815...."

The Fed is in its infancy compared to the Bank of England

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

They are still ahead of us by one step. They may be in debt, 900 billion is pale in comparison to 15 trillion here in the US. At least their currency is still backed by hard asset. They will collapse as we in 1933. We restructured debt, money created here is based on debt which is worse for us. No matter what way it is sliced, collapse is certain. The models failed a long time ago, the banks own all assets, and will foreclose eventually. This is another nail in the coffin, which will lead to one world currency, one world order, one central bank, one world government controlled by one central bank. The end game is still the same. They own us.

[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago


In his presentation at this conference, Andrew Sheng exposes the ownership of the world's equity by a few Large Complex Financial Institutions, whose wealth is greater than several sovereign economies (not your banana republics); these institutions can manipulate economies towards economic capture of sovereign nations. There are around 4 LCFIs which are larger than the global economy.

and about containing these LCFIs


[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Yep, we are in the spider web; it is a matter of when the spider will eat.

[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

or be eaten, hope in the power of goodness :-)

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Sometimes I may seem like I am doom & gloom, I use this approach to open eyes - gets people out of denial so they can be led back. That is where my power is, but to get people out of dark yo must go there and use the darkness for good. Perhaps you see my approach now, once we expose truth the majority will wake up. Get people to think for themselves, and that unlocks the mind...I am here to help humanity.

[-] 1 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

People need to be informed – then educated and motivated to act.

History repeats itself:

The Bank of England was established in 1694 and immediately began illegitimately (not illegally) benefiting from the people and their ignorance, by lending money to the British government which had suffered immense losses after the Nine Years’ War.

Hence war = public losses = private gain.

If we were to examine recent history, there is a strong correlation between oil and war, hatred and war.

Warmongering – all the anti-religious sentiment (targeting a group) set up by special-interest groups. War for oil is a known pattern since the seventies.

In 1996, 1997, late nineties, GM, Nissan and Toyota respectively, all had zero-emission electric-vehicles which were very non-polluting, highly reliable, technically sound and well accepted both by the people and municipalities in California. However they could not be bought but only rented out for 10 years, after 10 years all the companies were pressured to withdraw the vehicles and DESTROY them; those who refused to give back their vehicles were prosecuted and punished.

The oil cartel euphemistically named “the Seven Sisters” (witches??) had “won”, note this was all during the Bush regime (not that Clinton et al eras were better, but the period 2000 – 2008 will go down as the most shameful era in recent US history). According to various sources there are strong connections between the British Royal family, the US “royalty”, and names mentioned several times already on this forum and this cartel and the Large Complex Financial Institutions discussed in an earlier post.

The Central Bank of England and the Fed are channels for all this activity and hence must be audited and legally be required to open their vaults of information. Subsequently all the wrongs done over the past decades must be set right.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

They are always in control of us one way or another. UK/GB is using USA to conquer world again. People put in power are taken care of. It is always the common folk that are screwed and they do not care. We built this nation and infrastructure, they used our bodies, and money backed by debt that is placed back on us. Now that is complete and no work to be done they will use us for the next phases. The debt never gets paid. Who is owed? nobody Who created the mess, the very engineers of our society (government, media, banks) who we all work for one way or another under the guise of taxes, and interest on any debts we create off of the debt. The banks are in control, it has and always will be a big pyramid with the 99% at the bottom propping up, and sending money to the top. As long as the masses think they are free the scheme perpetuates. Most people are "free" (not in prison with bars) free to switch to channel on tv they like, free to work and spend money to survive and on useless material junk. Free to "vote" and make choices that are irrelevant "freedom" is a range of outlets where we think we are totally free. They keep us divided, unable to unite at this level and take back what has been taken all along. If you choose to be totally free and go off grid, there is always some "law" that prevents this, some bank, person or government entity owns the property, so we are not totally free. I have not followed GB/UK until recent, but what is going on in Europe, they are taking over world resources via corporations and banks.


[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

They are fixing no money. They are fixing debt with debt same old song and dance.
