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Forum Post: Energy & A New Economic Model PART2

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:36 p.m. EST by modszhrafow (1) from Brisbane Grove, NSW
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Also the cost of living would come down markedly, as a major expense for people is removed, no more fuel costs for cars or power bills for your home. People would not have to work as much, and could use their newly found time for such things as personal and local community development. This could include working toward an ideal situation where all small communities (eg Shires/Provinces etc) and their individuals have the opportunity to become self sufficient in the production of energy, food, water, shelter and the management of waste materials. Whilst this will initially take time and effort, the combined dynamics of universal energy and human ingenuity will quickly bring about a multitude of efficient ways of achieving this goal. Individual communities would naturally develop areas of specialisation in which they excel, with their discoveries then freely being shared among the thousands of other regional communities around the world via the portal of social net working media. These small and dynamic international communities could pool their knowledge and resources together for particularly challenging and ambitious undertakings in a similar way to how capitalism works now, though motivated by enlightened foresight instead of blind greed.

Concepts for different ways of educating our people could also emerge, with vocational, scientific and arts/craft studies being provided by specialist guilds formulated from suitably skilled individuals within each community. Also languages will become an important area of study for obvious reasons. Education could well prove to be a lifetime undertaking that can be passionately enjoyed and found thoroughly rewarding when it is successfully blended throughout every facet of a communal life.

Now I know these thoughts may sound very idealistic and I apologise for my lack of pragmatism, however our present situation and emerging desire for change demands that we think outside of our current paradigm. I offer these ideas in the hope that they will serve to stimulate similar thoughts in the minds of others, so as eventually we may all join hands and step forward together down the amazing path that destiny has laid before us.

http://www.searlaust.com.au/ (SEG Zero point energy related) http://searlmagnetics.com/ ( SEG Zero point energy related) http://www.forbes.com/sites/markgibbs/2011/10/17/hello-cheap-energy-hello-brave-new-world/ (ECAT news article)



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[-] 1 points by modszhrafow (1) from Brisbane Grove, NSW 13 years ago

I wish to invite everyone who would like to see the dream of a society of abundance become a reality, to clink on the link below and sign the petition "investigate the usefulness of the Energy Catalizer, a creation of the Italian inventor Andrea Rossi." This is a petition to US president Barack Obama. The petition outline is copied below.

The inventor claims to have created a cold-fusion device capable of producing prodigious amounts of energy by way of the fusion of nickle and hydrogen at very low cost and with no radioactive by-products and no greenhouse gas emissions. Other agencies or agents of the Federal Government including NASA, Department of Navy, DARPA have investigated these devices and believe they have great potential but they have kept as silent as possible on their findings. It is time that we bring that research into the open, hopefully by the purchase of an Energy Catalizer and allowing for its testing in a intellectually open manner without the bias that has in the past been applied by the conventional physics community. The economic benefit of the advent of cheap clean energy is obvious."

The petition link is http://wh.gov/j3P