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Forum Post: Ending the war on terror

Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 4, 2013, 8:43 p.m. EST by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In a recent article at presstv.com:


Arabist-Islamologist Dr. Kevin Barrett discussed what he believes must be done to end the war on terror.

He discusses what he considers to be the real reason for the war on terror, which is demographic. He claims that in the west, populations are declining due to wide spread vices which destroy the family, such as alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, homosexuality, widespread divorce, egotism, materialism, etc.

Some claim that this process of population reduction has been induced through social engineering, to create a smaller population, more easily enslaved by the powers that be.

He states that Islamic countries have been more resistant to social engineering, intended to reduce population, and generally have happier, more stable families, and therefore more children, and in particular producing a larger Muslim population.

The demographic growth of Islam is seen as potentially resulting in a global shift of power, denying the western oligarchs continued control over the middle east and its energy resources.

To end the war on terror, Barrett recommends a "counter-coup" against the 9/11 operation which initiated the war on terror. Here is how such a counter-coup could take place:

"Senior US military commanders, tired of spilling American blood for Israel, organize a counter-coup against those complicit in the 9/11 operation.

They declare a state of emergency and arrest several dozen current and retired military and intelligence officers, a host of politicians including most of the leading neoconservatives, the owners and decision-makers of the major mainstream media outlets, several of the planet's wealthiest individuals, and key unregistered agents of Israel who operate behind the facade of America's leading Jewish organizations. Seizing control of the newspapers and airwaves, they reveal the truth about 9/11 to a shocked, outraged world. Swift military-style trials elicit confessions and convictions.

Islam is declared innocent. Zionism is guilty. Palestine is liberated. And the war is finally over."



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[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 12 years ago

What are you some sort of "KIng of the Idiots"?

"He claims that in the west, populations are declining due to wide spread vices which destroy the family, such as alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, homosexuality, widespread divorce, egotism, materialism, etc." What a bunch of absolute nonsense the number one factor forcing families apart and destroying relationships is wait for it wait for it DEBT and not being able to pay your BILLS you fucking asshole.

In no way shape or form is Islam even close to an acceptable substitute even with all the flaws of the west for western civilization. Then of course there is the whole deluded fantasy of what our military should do. What a bunch of nonsense. While I would love to overthrow the powers that be a military coup and the following junta is not the way to do it dumb ass. The bottom line is islam is largely responsible for its portrayal in western media. The basic tenants of islam lend itself to radicalism right off the top. Having to pray 5 times a day facing mecca right off the jump subjugates you to the will of allah. Yada, yada, yada. Even moderate muslims are radical by any other religions standards. I was even talking to someone I thought was a moderate muslim and thought shit was cool till he came with the mohammad and allah are the only way to salvation bullshit. GTFOH with that nonsense. If you can't acknowledge the universalist fundamental themes present in all religions of acceptance, peace, and love and it is your belief system based on islam that makes it so FUCK YOUR RELIGION THEN. How about them apples.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Now, now, don't go having a temper tantrum. This site is supposed to be for mature adults.

Remember, that much of western science came from advances that were made at an earlier period in Islam:


Since the British India Company began pitting Hindus against Muslims in its efforts to colonize India, over two hundred years ago, Islam has been increasingly influenced by western intelligence agencies. I think you know Al Qaeda is pretty much a front for the CIA, Al Jazeera is as well.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 12 years ago

That was in the 14th century. You want to go back to living like then feel free to go live in an Islamic dictatorship somewhere. Be my guest. Stop saying dumb ass shit.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Most cultures, that last for centuries or millennium, are bound to go through high and low points. The important thing is to realize what leads to either. Barbaric behavior, such as the use of profanity, is bound to lead to decline.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 12 years ago

Oh, so they are just on a 600 year down trend and it's not cause their culture is an evolutionary dead end. Gotcha.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Our culture is on a down trend as well, that, depending on what happens next, may result in an evolutionary dead end for the entire world. The important thing to understand is what causes the culture to ascend or decline.

Confucius studied this, he lived during a time of great corruption and sought a solution in the Chinese classics, books, which in his time had already recorded thousands of years of history.

What he found is that classicism is what leads a culture to ascend, so, he developed a training program for government officials which incorporated classical art, and particularly for the Chinese, the practice of calligraphy.

Chinese government officials spent their work lives writing policy reports, and those taught by Confucius incorporated the classical art of calligraphy into their daily work lives. As the beauty expressed in their work permeated the country, a Renaissance was produced resulting in the creation of many new inventions that lead to better lives of the Chinese people on a wide scale.

If we wish for our culture to ascend these days, we too should embrace such classicism as a part of our daily lives.


[-] 0 points by Builder (4202) 12 years ago

From your link above.

(quote)By August of 2007, neocon front man Dick Cheney realized that his last opportunity to invade Iran was slipping from his grasp. So Cheney's rogue network attempted to steal nuclear weapons from the US arsenal at Minot Air Force Base, with the intention of using those weapons, whether in the US itself or the Middle East, in order to trigger all-out war on Iran.

Stupid move. The nuke-thieves got caught. Dozens were suicided or met “accidental” deaths.

The command structure of the US military does not look kindly on people who try to steal nuclear weapons - even if the thief-in-chief is the Vice President of the United States. (unquote)

Is this verifiable? I've followed this "neocon" movement for a while, and I've yet to hear about this.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Kevin Barrett is a columnist for Veterans Today, which is heavily staffed with intelligence insiders, so I think these people are as likely to know as anybody about such things.

You might want to write to him and ask. Go to his page at Veterans today, and you'll see his email address to the right of his picture at the top of the page:


He lists his own website there as well:


which has quite a bit of information.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 12 years ago

Stealing nukes with intent to incite war is an indictable (not to mention treasonous) offense.

I guess anyone who could testify has been murdered by now.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Perhaps so, perhaps not. I think its good to make contact with these people let them know somebody is concerned about what they are writing.

[-] -2 points by Coyote88 (-24) 12 years ago

So now this site is promoting Islam. Sigh....

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Contemporary western culture has been engineered to be dysfunctional. In many case, more traditional societies are or were better off. More traditional western cultures based on Christianity, for example. were probably more functional than what we have today.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 12 years ago

Once again more nonsense. How do you then explain the off the charts anxiety, unhappiness, depression, and stress found throughout asia and the asian pacific? How about Russian and India and China to They are certainly not western nations. You are once again an idiot.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Yes, the whole world is suffering the stresses and strains of economic collapse. Russia, unfortunately, has much of its financial system tied into the global system. And China is heavily dependent on the declining west as its customer base. There is probably no place in the world that isn't suffering from the engineered collapse of civilization today.


[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Sure, those things happened, but what I am saying is that contemporary culture has been engineered to be dysfunctional for most people. That is, we have a high rate of divorce and many people growing up to be unbalanced.

This didn't and doesn't happen in more traditional cultures. These days, in our society, common people aren't even nice to each other. It was quite different in my grandparent's times.

[-] -1 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

Traditional cultures?!?!?
bloody mary who burned the Protestants in England
or the spanish who burned the Jews in 1492
today's "traditional" cultures

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Ok, so atrocities happened in the past, they happen today also. Apparently, you don't want to hear my point that society has changed in recent decades, and that this is clearly seen in an increase in the divorce rate.

[-] 2 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

"the war on terror is a war on Islam"
has nothing to do with divorce rates -
Although female adultery is punished by stoning to death in some Muslem countries - so there CAN be fewer divorces http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2kFzGyKgpA

"society has changed in recent decades"
50 years ago, Saudi women were not allowed to drive cars - now they are ?
50 years ago Pakistani girls were not educated - now they are shot for advocating education?
50 years ago stoning & limb amputation were Muslim punishments - now ???

if this was not so barbaric, it would be silly

[-] 0 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

If that is what you think, than apparently you don't understand the concept of "irregular warfare" in which anything and everything is used as a means of attacking the "enemy".

[-] 2 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

From WikiP:
Irregular warfare is warfare in which one or more combatants are irregular military rather than regular forces. Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare, and so is asymmetric warfare.

Is barbarism & divorce related to this ?
Is not educating girls or assassinating them an aspect of irregular warfare?

Although I live in a society that lynched hundreds of people between 1865 and 1965 - limb amputation & stoning has never been a state punishment in my culture - and I am not a fan of any kind of torture - maybe that is because of my cultural heritage

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

According to Friedrich August, in "Modern Irregular Warfare", subversion and sabotage are important components of the irregular warfare process.

A culture can be subverted or sabotaged as an act of irregular warfare, by, for example, destroying the morality of the target population. When the British conducted the opium wars against the Chinese, for example, opium was used not unlike a weapon to disable about ten percent of the total Chinese population, including many of its soldiers.

In the US, the destruction of morality through the popularization of licentiousness in the mainstream media, the promotion of drug and alcohol abuse, could likewise be considered acts of sabotage or subversion. In this case, the warfare is being conducted by the global financial oligarchy, along with its US based traitors, to conduct the irregular warfare.

[-] 1 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

So you are saying the west's war on Islam is causing these atrocities -
and it is not caused by Islam & the Quran's dictates

including cutting off a woman's nose

burning Christians

encuraging terrorist attacks like in Mumbai

creating fatwas against "the infadel"

forcing girls to marry . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyYZulIxNCE

I believe Imam Choudry is more accurate
The imam - in English ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A75Vg__GcqQ

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

I think you probably know about the CIA's support for Al Qaeda, which is one of the more backward movements of Islam these days. So yes, I would say the war on Islam is intended to promote backwardness in Islamic culture.

This all started hundreds of years ago, when the British East India company began manipulating Muslim populations to aid them in their colonization of India. They would support the most violent, backwards factions of Islam to incite them to fight against Hindu populations.

This kind of thing continues on a vast scale today in the middle east.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 12 years ago

That is because peoples expectations of marriage is very different in the west. Your partner is supposed to support you financially, emotionally, be your best friend, and have all these commonalities and more or less complete you. In other societies this is not the case. Also financial reasons are the are another huge reason for relationship problems and the other significant driver outside of differing expectations.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

The rapid increase in divorces began long before today's financial crisis.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 12 years ago

Financial pressures are certainly a factor 50 years ago many women did not have careers outside the home. Most parents would like to have at least one parent home with the children if they can afford it.

[-] 0 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

You could say the woman's movement was to a great extent intended, by the oligarchs, to trick women into accepting that they would no longer be able to afford to stay at home as mothers.

[-] 1 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

"You could say the woman's movement was to a great extent intended, by the oligarchs, to trick women into accepting that they would no longer be able to afford to stay at home as mothers."

So you think women would be better off as second class citizens?

so their noses can be cut off

and women can be forced to marry

and gays will be executed

women beaten for running away from husbands

How many American-born women who have been polled - agree with this life style ? .

Are they in burkas or straight jackets ?

Do your Muslim brothers in China agree with these Muslim laws & actions as dictated by the Quran?

Do you believe that artists & cartoonists & movie makers should be killed if they offend you ?

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

No, I don't think that women would be better off as second class citizens. But I don't think that the women's movement was originally started to improve the status of women.

I believe that feminism was originally established by the elite as a kind of subversion, intended to destabilize the population:


By the way, I'm an American citizen living in China.

[-] 1 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

I dont believe in conspiracy theories or ancient aliens or bigfoot.
I also dont care
Women ARE equal.
Maie Curie, Golda Meier, Indera Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton are better than YOU - or me.

I apologize if I you thought I insulted you
Do you know if the Muslims you know in China agree with these Muslim laws & actions as dictated by the Quran?

rather than believe claptrap, I believe what Muslims say about themselves and what they do

CNN: Choudary & Spitzer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A75Vg__GcqQ

CNN: Parker & Choudary

Hamas in Gaza - how it treats Gaza residents

Why you should trust a Muslim “How to lie”

Muslim murders filmmaker Theo van Gogh Murder,
and fatwa to kill Ayaan Hirsi Ali

What do one billion Muslims really think?

Pedophilia & Islam

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

I am not a Muslim. I've had one Muslim friend here, from Pakistan. Quite frequently he has been critical of the backwardness that he has observed in Muslim communities.

He's also remarked, however, that often the most backwards elements of Muslim communities are financed by the CIA. He claims to have observed the tribal chiefs who have received such payoffs.

For example, the following details Obama's support for al-Qaeda:


[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

You don't believe in conspiracy theories? Does that mean that you believe that activities such as sabotage or subversion are non-existent? If so, then why do we have these words in the English language?

I never claimed that women aren't equal. I claimed that feminism was not originally established to promote the equality of women, but rather was formed as a kind of sabotage or subversion. I don't believe that it is a movement of women for women, but rather a movement of the elite against the rest of humanity.

[-] 0 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

Again- it is not my business to know if you are Muslim
but do you know Muslims who agree with these Muslim laws & actions as dictated by the Quran?

I believe what Muslims say about themselves and what they do

the talaban’s penalty for rape http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgAoBaFT7EU

[-] -1 points by aville (-678) 12 years ago

islam is fascism,..............parading as a religion.

[-] -2 points by Coyote88 (-24) 12 years ago

So you are promoting a more traditional society? Okay. How does socialism, liberalism and anarchism fit into a traditional society? How does women's rights fit in a traditional society?

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Women's rights can fit in just fine in a traditional society. By "traditional", I mean one that hasn't been engineered to be dysfunctional.

Liberalism, I believe, is to a great extent an engineering of society to be dysfunctional. Perhaps this is true for anarchism as well. From what I've heard, oligarchs frequently make use of anarchist to tear apart society.

Socialism, I'm not sure of.