Forum Post: Ending corporate personhood
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 7:26 a.m. EST by Trebuchet
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Isn't that mostly the point of OWS?
We need a unified clear message or the movement will fizzle out. Right now it's like 10,000 people trying to decide on what pizza to order.
I've suggested a tier structure to OWS demands/goals. The idea is that Tier I would be items that would satisfy OWS to point of going home. Tier II would be structural changes necessary to bring about Tier I and III changes. Tier III would be more longterm goals necessary for building a just society.
Tier I: A restart of a middle class jobs economy built on meeting human needs rather than a speculative economy in which vampire criminal banksters are rewarded. Glass-Steagall - splitting off the commercial banks that the real economy depends upon from the blood-sucking speculative investment banks. The investigation and punishment of Wall St. criminals. Ending 'free trade' agreements/restarting American manufacturing. End the wars.
Tier II: An end to corpoRAT personhood, an end to untrustworthy computerized voting (paper ballots only), and publicly funded campaigns to further curb the corpoRATs.
Tier III: Other changes needed to create a society that responds to people's needs and not corpoRAT greed and criminality -- Medicare for all, education funding, CorpoRAT respect for the environment, etc.
You want a clear message for all? End extension of credit. House Joint Resolution 192 (June 1933) allows the 1% to create money with signatures. Back the money with anything of substance and the power to create funds is gone.
figure it out people. Give me the power to create funds and I too could rule the world. Take it away and I'm suddenly back down being pretty equal.