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Forum Post: End the Trickle Down Fraud

Posted 2 weeks ago on Sept. 21, 2024, 1:46 p.m. EST by agkaiser (2541) from Fredericksburg, TX
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Communitize Big Pharma, Big Energy, Big Banks, Corporate Medicine, Mass Transportation! Then tax billionaires into extinction!



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[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 week ago

The fact is "Trickle Down" Economics is demonstrably total horse-$H!T and most people either know or can intuit that! There are now many different names for 'The Ideology That Does Not Want To Speak Its Name' & there is: Reaganomics; Thatcherism; 'Trickle Down Economics'; Free Market Fundamentalism; Neoliberalism; Macronism Supply Side Economics; etc. etc. - ad nauseam! In reality it's a Pro-Oligarchy, Military Industrial Complex, Private Fiat Banking; anti-99%, deeply RW ideology, with a now very clearly defined history, ideology and PR/opaganda and now, here is THE very best short essay I know about it:

as "Neoliberalism replaces the citizen with the consumer, pushing people out of political life and into the marketplace"!

e tenebris, lux?