Forum Post: End the barbaric, ineffective Death Penalty.
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 25, 2013, 12:10 p.m. EST by inclusionman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Time to arrive in the new millennium and put a stop to the racist, medieval practice of state killings.
Please add news, info, opinions on this important issue that affects the 99%.
Quick!! kill 'em all & let God sort 'em out.
Un fuckin believable.
Pick a petition. any petition, sign them all, pass them on. Save a life!!
So Manson deserves to live or any other disgusting degenerates like him that kill and rape multiple people deserve to live?
I am not the judge of whether someone should die.
Manson is being punished for his crimes. No need to commit the crime of murder to punish murder.
Eye for an eye just leaves us all blind.
Please sign the anti death penalty petitions.
Serial killers and serial rapists all deserve death, they are disgusting degenerates and don't deserve life. If you can disrespect life so much as do do the things they did then they don't deserve to have it.
It is inappropriate for us to judge even the most heinous criminals life and death.
Civilized nations have put that medieval thinking behind.
So what abiut degenrate murders kill more while they are in prison?
That is unfortunate. I believe we take some precautions against that possibility.
I don’t agree with the death penalty the way it’s administrated. Death row inmates can spend decades waiting to be put to death.
I do believe some murders are so heinous and horrific that death is the only real justice. It would be unjust to allow someone who beats a whole family to death, or rapes and murders a child, to live. Whether we like it or not to allow some murderers to live would be uncivilized.