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Forum Post: End Empire-USA and Fake Money which feeds War and Corruption

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 5:15 p.m. EST by redickd (0)
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Occupy Away (peacefully) and scare the politicians into submission!

  1. Ever since governments were formed (including tribes), there are some people who want to be boss and get privileges or money, etc. The Roman Empire is a good example, as is Empire-USA with its over 700 bases in over 100 countries. Empires are expensive and counterproductive as to liberty, justice, prosperity and morality. Its time to end Empire-USA and ditch the self-serving politicians, corps, and banks that benefit from it. Follow the Constitution!!

  2. Politicians and Banksters love central banks like our Federal Reserve. The banks get bailed out when in trouble, and politicians get all the money they want for war, welfare, and pork, all of which gets them votes for re-election (which is what matters most to them).

Using 'Gold as Money' limits their spending and ends international foreign exchange. games. Gold has always been successful in the past, but politicians don't like its restraints on their spending. See my book 'Monetary Revolution-USA' on Amazon.com for a plan to 'Use Gold as Money'. This will bring more peace, prosperity and justice for all people.

Thanks, Dave R.



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[-] 2 points by quadrawack (280) 13 years ago

I got a better one than that. Dismantle the Fed completely. Institute Free Banking. Decentralize the monetary system, which is what the founding fathers wanted anyway. Allow a free market in currencies so that the people can choose what store of value and unit to trade in is best for them. This will create a rich eco system of currencies so that if one currency issuer abuses it like the Fed has, people can move to another currency. A wonderful side effect of this is it will make it near impossible to wage imperialistic wars. BUT it will make trade far far far more efficient because trade will gravitate to the most sound value.

We live in an age of computers and internet. Currency conversions are practically instantaneous.

In fact, we already have several examples of this working. See the Ithaca hours system, and the North Dakota State Bank. You'll find North Dakota is flourishing, and Ithaca's local economy is strong.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

Here here to both of you. Solutions not whining. Good sound solutions. Thank you both.