Forum Post: Elizabeth Warren - money
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 8, 2012, 10:13 p.m. EST by FreeDiscussion1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I thought Elizabeth Warren was all about transparency. We are all still waiting for her to file the required financial disclosure form.
The Oklahoma Professor has been criticizing Scott Brown for being “Wall Street’s favorite Senator.” She has also denounced “Wall Street cash in politics.”
But it turns out she may be indirectly accepting Wall Street money. The Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, which is helping the Harvard Professor, has taken over $40 million from Wall Street during the last 7 years according to records from In fact, Wall Street is the biggest contributors to them. They beat lawyers and labor union. Just during this election season the DSCC has already received $1.5 million from Wall Street.
If Lizzy Warden is truly opposed to Wall Street money, then shouldn’t she reject the DSCC’s money? Otherwise she is just using the DSCC to funnel in Wall Street money.
"It turns out she may be indirectly accepting Wall Street money..." Is that the best you can do? I would expect someone running as a Democratic Senator to accept money from the The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. HELLO. Is Wall Street the sole contributor? No. Does Elizabeth Warren determine who contributes? No. So what is your point? Do you really expect that Elizabeth Warren will be forever tainted if she accepts money from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee? Should the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ban Wall Street contributions? Elizabeth Warren, creator of the Consumer Protection Bureau, has suffered constant attacks from the Wall Streeters and their Rethugblican allies for the sake of the American middle class. Anybody who has followed Elizabeth over the years realizes that she is a genuine advocate for the middle class and willing to call-out the Wall Street bankers for their crimes and it will take more than your pissant little posts to convince anybody who has been paying attention that Elizabeth is other than a real American hero who dares to tell the truth and fight for what she believes is right. I realize people like you hate and fear people like her because you can't understand motivations that aren't entirely self-centered and the idea of doing something just because it's the right thing to do burns you like holy water burns vampires, but try to keep your lack of humanity and cynical brain-rot to yourself instead of drooling it all over everybody. And by the way, it's Democratic not DemocRAT, but I'm sure you know that.
"Is that the best you can do? I would expect someone running as a Democratic Senator to accept money from the The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. HELLO. "
Regardless where it comes from as well........ and that's the best you can do?
So she shouldn't fund her campaign using party coffers? Should she break her piggy bank instead?
Until we get real campaign finance reform, until we ever get publicly funded campaigns, ALL candidates must raise cash, and lots of it, to get any chance of being elected.
Warren supports campaign finance AND publicly funded campaigns. But she won't have any chance of getting those issues on the agenda unless she gets elected.
In the meantime, she is still not beholding to Wall Street, since they didn't earmark their money to go to her, nor can it be separated out from the other money that the DSCC has given her ( it's not labelled: This dollar is from Wall Street, This dollar is from Mrs. Jones down the street, This dollar is from Farmer John, etc.) nor has she solicited it from Wall Street. The issue isn't where the money comes from, but whether or not it effects legislation. Since she did not go to Wall Street to solicit any of it, she is not beholding to Wall Street in any way.
This is a controversy in your own imagination alone.
Since she has not filed her financial reports, how would you know where or how she got the money? Do you have a copy to share with us?
It was you, not me, who asserted that she was accepting Wall Street money based on receiving funds from the DSCC. I simply showed you that there is no way of separating individual dollars of committee money by contributor. As such, your accusation of taint is baseless.
What's more, I don't care if she accepts money directly from the ghost of J.P. Morgan as long as she continues to do what she has been doing for all of recent memory: working to protect the interests of hard working Americans.
I didnt assert anything. I posted a newpaper report.
And you posted it (without citation, btw) because you DON'T stand by it?
If you don't believe what you post, why post it?
My God,,,, you would complain if you were given a new rope to hang yourself. It doesnt matter,,, geez. How much sleep did you lose by me not putting (citation, btw)?
It's not the lack of citation, you nit. By not giving it, I responded to it as if it was YOUR thought. Then you try to wriggle out if it by claiming "but I didn't write it....,boo hoo're being unfair".
Either you mean what you post or you don't. You can't have it both ways.
I can post any way I want to. I dont see your rules posted at the beginning of the internet. If I was to post something from Fox news you would claim it was wrong. If I posted something from the New York Times you would claim it was right, even if you didnt even read it. I tend to post and see just how bias the reader is thinking it came from their side or the other. I let them know later and YOU feel like an idiot that this was posted on a liberal news site. You fell for the bias,,, BROTHER..... you have mud on your citation face, btw.
Moron, the lack of citation isn't the issue. It never was, It was just an aside.
That's the issue. Get it?
you do realize that you're not going to grow much from engaging with FreeDiscussion1, don't you? my exchanges with said have been, to say the least, bizarre. it's like herding cats, but with thoughts instead of cats, if you know what i mean.
I'm beginning to see that. It's like pushing on a string.
I have no idea if I believe it. It was an interesting post that was going around the internet on many sites today. I found it posted on a liberal site, I posted it on this site,,, and YOU seemed to cry like a baby since I didnt put citations on it to make someone like you happy. I dont believe what you post but I allow you to post anyway.
Who the fuck is disallowing you to post? Who said that? How are four words or so, in parenthesis, no less, "crying like a baby"?
If you post something you don't believe, you are an idiot.
If you believe this particular posting, you are still an idiot.
No one is telling you can't be an idiot, aren't free to post idiotically, but either way, you are one.
You must be rich because you act like you own this site. You rich?
How do you type? I thought at least two brain cells had to be involved.
Enough brain cells to know you think you have more power than me, therefore you are equal to a rich person tossing your power around. I posted a comment, you hated the comment and wanted to shut me up just like "The Man" does. Congrats, you are a BOSS.
If you don't learn to think, you will forever be a slave.
Wow, it's always nice to hear from somebody who can think clearly. Thanks.
You are full of shit. Spend more time with the facts instead of finding excuses for your beloved Leftist Wall street Whore.
This Bitch should be "Palenized". Rent the house next to hers,invade her personal space,hack her email,create a "warrengates" site just dedicated to the personal and professional destruction of this stupid,retarded Leftist C*nt .
This is a GREAT idea!!!
Why do you feel so threatened by her? Did she reject you once on account of your small dick?
She's not threatening in the least she just needs to go down. She needs to be crucified on a cross of personal destruction. Hack her email. Ruin her financially,sue her,make her defend herself in court,make her go broke on defense. She's a bitch whore who lies,she's a Wall st. whore.
"Palenize" Warren,Lezzie Warren. She's a Wall st. WHORE!!!!
I'd like to see you try those things; just make sure to leave your IP address at the door when you hack her e-mail account so that she can do us all a favor and countersue you onto the welfare rolls.
What's it to you? You loved it when the same was done to Palin!! Now you have a problem with same politics of personal destruction.
Typical Leftist Proglodyte.
Your beloved Chairman MAObama will have us ALL on the "welfare rolls" soon enough.
Your rhetoric is an embarrassment to this country, and don't play that "sick and frustrated" line with me because it's not going to sell. You're spewing hate and lies because that sort of behavior is the perfect refuge for people who refuse to admit that they're wrong. Just get up there and sling as many insults as you can, the more outrageous the better; every moment that your target has to get up in front of people and assert that he did not screw a sheep is a moment you don't have to spend discussing actual policy or trying to explain why people should listen to you or trust you. The more shrill you sound the more likely you are to get other people riled up along with you, and the more riled up they are the less likely they are to question you. It's the oldest trick in the book, and it's disgusting.
Your repetitiveness is an embarrassment. And obfuscating is also typical of not wanting to address the issue. You participated in the demeaning and lies of and about Palin and you thought it was great. But you can't take it when the tables are turned on your Lezzie Warren.
You make a lousy lecturer and you're boring as hell.
And you make a great partisan hack. Either way, harassing me on the Internet is going to do absolutely nothing (unless of course you're stupid enough to try to take it into the real world, which would be a lot of fun for me and a lot of pain for you) so you might as well save a little on your electric bill.
"harassing me on the Internet" WTF???? Since when is replying back and forth in a Forum deemed harassment?
You're a loose cannon,a few fries short of a happy meal. I'm done.
simple--she needs the money to run. if airtime were free, by mandate, and other advertising was free, and transportation and staffs, and paper signs were all free, the she would not need the money.
Didn't you learn last time - don't lie !
There is no such thing as the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee
just like the Rs
lied about birth certificates, wmds, and mushroom clouds, and yellowcake.
you are an Rs
Is that the best you can do? I mean just 100% prove some twit calling you a liar is lying? ;-)
Thanks for proving yourself wrong
anyone who goes to that link will see it is not
Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee
but honest people knew that already
your are an Rs
You need a new computer. It clearly takes you to the site. I suggest you take it to the Geek Squad for service. My Dell computer takes me to the Democrat Senatorial Campaing Committee site. Did you pay your internet bill?
My internet is fine -
what is failing -
your eyes -
your brain ?
Try to cut and past the name of the site here -
if you have the courage to prove yourself wrong
I have posted the site two times already. You cant see it????? OK,, one more time and I will type real slow for you.
There you go. If you cant hit this site then you or your computer are stupid.
I' m so sorry you cant read
hear is a precise cut and past from the site
do you have the courage to admit that you were not telling the truth?
"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?
Have you left no sense of decency?"
© 2012 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
I have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about,,, really. You said there was not such thing as the DSCC and yet I posted the url to that site. You then claim I did not post the url and I clearly did. One more time,,,, here goes,,,,, THere,,, that is the official link to the DSCC website that you claim does not exist. You must be nuts.
Again - do you have the courage to post anything from MY post where I said there was no dscc ?
Thanks for proving yourself wrong - again -
anyone who goes to that link will see it is not the
Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee
but honest people knew that already your are an Rs -
and you do know what comes out of an Rs
Are we citizens or consumers? Depends. Either way, if voters would vote against the candidates with the most tv ads, we'd have a new government each election. I know I'm not the only one who hates tv political commercials. Warren? I hope she survives being the latest "whipping girl".
Debt consolidation is the best available method to pay off all previous debt and financial liabilities. In this method consolidation of debt is done by taking a consolidation debt loan. That means the debtor is taking a single personal loan to pay his all previous debts. This loan is just a way of consolidating debt and financial liabilities taken from different sources.
Actually it may not be the best way. I use the Dave Ramsey method and many of my friends did the same thing. If you have trouble paying off several bills you will have the same problem paying off one big bill. Consolidation creates a large bill that typically never allows for a person to pay principle and interest. They usually pay interest for EVER. The best way is to prioritize. Pay off the smallest debts and get them off the books. Then pay the next to the smallest debt. Each time you close out a debt you have a true feeling of accomplishment and ready to take on the next one. In many cases simply calling those you have a debt and telling them you are using the Dave Ramsey method they will probably work with you. They want their money and if you show a desire to meet your obligation they want to work with you. You still need to ask for a lower interest payment on the larger bills. It feels good to get each debt out of the way one by one rather than one big huge bill that will kill you for life. This really works,,, has for me and MILLIONS of others.
I am no Democrat but this is silly.
$40 million over seven years spread out over what must have been hundreds of senate Democrat races in that time amounts to petty cash.
Boy do we need more commentary like this with so many people on this forum with so many illusions about Warren. Would she be better than Brown? Of course. Is she "our" candidate? Of course not.
This is like the house stacking the deck and then arresting the gambler for playing with a stacked deck. It's rediculous.
Dont yell at me. I copied and pasted this from the Boston Globe, a left leaning paper.
All of our politicians are corrupt, both democrat and republican. Do not be confused.
Warren is a libtard big time