Forum Post: Eliot Spitzer should be your candidate for presidency
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 5:17 a.m. EST by yallonb
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He is now free (after they cancelled his political show), and he's definitively the best guy to take on the Wall St. crooks. So why not? Talk to the guy, see if he's interested.
He's definitely be OK with legalizing prostitution!
Clinton would vote for him. Good taste in women, I have to say
True, he has his shortfalls, but he can take care of Wall St. He showed it last time he was in office.
Yeah too bad he resigned instead of apologizing...Truly one of the good guys!
Do we have the funds to support his concubine? It seems to me we don't.
Probably better to find some eunuch to represent us in the political arena. It may go a long way to simultaneously solving a number of potential concerns that seem to arise in those ventures.
this is depressing....
this person is a bought and paid for slave of the dark ones