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Forum Post: effect real change, stop spending except for what is absolutely necessary

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 12:11 p.m. EST by rockyracoon (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

i support the occupy wall street movement and any non-violent action which strives for peace, equality, social responsibility, accountability and transparency. unfortunately, as with previous mass demonstrations, the 99% voice is not listened to, and bearing this in mind, it seems the only way to effect change is to stop spending except for what is absolutely necessary. want to affect the 1% who steal, lie and corrupt, then must affect what they worship, which is their $. end reliance on it. many others have said this same idea. we the 99% seek real change



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[-] 1 points by rockyracoon (10) 13 years ago

further, i believe the 1% is also inside all of us, as the 99% is also in all of us. working together, sharing, praying, placing all trust and faith with our creator first, before anything material, such as $

[-] 1 points by Teacher (469) 13 years ago
