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Forum Post: Education and Hard Work......

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 11:32 a.m. EST by Workedhard2achieve (1)
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Try it. The majority of the 1%, heck the top 10%, were not born at this level. Many were born into low to moderate income families. They work(ed) hard and long to get what they have. All of us can't do it, but many can. Hard work will do it, not protesting and complaining about what you don't have.



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[-] 1 points by armchairecon1 (169) 13 years ago

I think its too hard for this generation.

Parents too often said 'great job' for the 65 that junior brought home, then mortgaged their home to send junior to party at 3rd rate college to major in underater basketweaving with a natty light in hand, thinking the college degree will guarantee them a job for life (like it genrrally did for the parents generation).

Too bad everyone else thought the same, now the college degree is worthless and the debt is real. Everyone feels entitled to that cushy job that existed in their fantasy.. THAT is the reason for OWS's rant on debt and wall street for 'screwing' them over

[-] 1 points by MrMiller (128) from Sandy, UT 13 years ago

I don't fucking want to be rich. Why do all of you assholes just assume that everyone wants money and that everyone can be rich? Yeah, you're probably also assuming that since Steve Jobs and Bill Gates got rich, everyone can! Well, there aren't very many opportunities for people like that and much of business is very complex and requires far more these days than just hard work. It takes the work of thousands and lots of capital. That's why the corporations are making even more money these days, cause they just come in and buy more land or equipment and take over everything. There's a reason why our country is dominated by mega industries. So, to just assume that everyone can get rich assumes that we are living yet again at the beginning of the century, with many places to be developed and things to be invented, which is turning out to be not so true, unless you want to invent the very latest brand of fast food. So, you're right that the people at the top worked and were probably educated and you're right that not everyone can do it. The people that can maybe do it take risks and many fail. But banks, if they fail, get bailed out, which is probably why they took excessive risks. Who the fuck cares, right? Uncle Sam has our backs! But the average person does not get bailed out. So fuck you and your logic, presumptuous ass.

[-] 1 points by Workedhard2achieve (1) 13 years ago

Mr Miller- Thanks for helping us understand OWS better. A group of people who believe that the use of foul language and spewing jealous hatred is the way to conduct public discourse. Good Luck with that. By the way, I agree that the banks that took excessive risks should not have been bailed out. Subprime and non traditional mortgages made to people that could not qualify for a normal mortgage, just to make money, was immoral and greedy.

[-] 1 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

i don't believe that most worked their way up. i work about 57 hrs. a week but most of it is non-profit. i don't envy the rich, they can have their wealth. i have much better things to do than making money. i just don't want money distorting my democracy. look at the mess america is in now! its really a shame.
