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Forum Post: Education - A way of socially gardening youth to conform within society's systematic and monetary constraints ??

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:07 a.m. EST by Themoodymonk (0) from Glenfield, Auckland
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Have you ever heard of this (or do they even have this in the states) high school "Model United Nations," or the latest here "Model World Security Counsel." To me it is just another way to shape or coerce tomorrows leaders into the leaders "They" (being the 1%) want them to be. ....

I went up against these people for leadership roles within the school, when I was a student earlier this year. I didn't get selected based on a the fact that I didn't fit the profile, not that I couldn't lead. ...I have a letter from them stating the fact my leadership was highly developed. I was wanting to create more of a student union, enable students within high school to have more of voice in the way its run. I already see the issue there. I gave up on the what seemed so fallacious and left, It seems trying to empower people to think for themselves is frowned upon.

My point here is a final question, are our governments really trying to deceive us and find way to pull the ignorance blind over people when they are younger before they can selectively make their own judgements for themselves, are they continually using educational curriculum to shape the minds of youth into these capitalist ways we see to continually develope ?



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