Forum Post: Economic Sovereignty is in the people
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 8:18 a.m. EST by snureyev
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If we can’t stay physically at Zuccotti Park, we can still fight with other weapons.
As in political sovereignty, in economics sovereignty is also detained by the people. We created all the small and large multinational companies with what we consume. The true strength of a company is in our choice of consume. The value of each commercial product is in our believe. Ultimately, we do delegate dimension to all business houses. Ultimately the power lies in our unity and our common decisions. The consumers union is sovereign.
Large companies, from the time they reach a certain dimension will be in another level and have a social responsibility. If they do not align with that, they cease to be great if we want. Big companies do not exist only to enrich their shareholders. They exist also to serve social causes. We have the power to give greatness to the companies that compromise with social cause.
It is not only the commercial product which selects those companies that will be great. It is a symbiosis between the quality of they products and they choice and compromise with the social cause and World Development Pact.
Taken from fiction Work at Terceira parte (Part III) – Neo Squad