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Forum Post: Economic Boycott of Police/Fire Dept Charities

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:24 p.m. EST by rosewood (543)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Although the Police and Fire Dept. are part of the 99%; as an institution, they have been indoctrinated to identify, with the 1%, and to obey and protect the oligarchy even if it requires unconstitutional actions, and the violation of human rights.

They need our help, in readjusting their actions and beliefs; through peaceful actions, and tough love. Since some police and firemen are comfortable in violating our liberties, and stealing our property, tents, equipment, generators; we need to cease acting as facilatators by exacting no consequence or judgements upon them.

I propose that we the public, cease contributing, or donating ANY, monies, supplies, facilities, food, to the police or fire dept until they adjust their perspective. This means cease donating to ALL police/fire dept charities; and activities. No more free donuts..no more contributions or donations.

I'm confident that the good police and firemen will understand the need for this measure, as how many more generators, and equipment can be stolen; how many more tear gass canisters launched into the faces of war vets who have served their nation.




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