Forum Post: Dying For War...CNN Reports US Offers 12M Ransom for 2 Al Queda in Iran
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2012, 11:55 p.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Holy fuckin shit. This is out of control. There's riots and bombs going off all over the fuckin place over there. We want this slime ball out, and want these new slimeballs in. Its a fuckin mess.
We are purposely creating the chaos so we can come in and clean up.
Get our fuckin troops out of this fuckin mess!!!$12m-reward-for-2-iran-based-al-qaeda/
Countries hit by drone attacks (& other bloody interferences), could offer reward for Obastard & Weed2.
And the shit is still going down in Greece as usual...
When its already been proven that we were bombing in Yemen and their gov was taking responsiblity for it, then how the hell do we really know what is going on here?
Nothing like crushing a currency by 50% and then offering millions in
This shit is NOT going to turn out good. The only question is if it all blows up before or after the election.
Your troops aren't in Iran.
Your clandestine torture agents trained al Qaida.
Bit of a worry that they still have all those ground to air missiles you gave them.
Me? I was born in 80, so Reagan's goons cannot really be traced to me.
Again, your troops aren't in Iran.
The drones would already be there, but the Iranians have the ability to blow those evil fuckers out of the sky.
I forgot your from down unda..
And that matters how exactly?
We are all citizens of the world.
And we are all about to take over the controls.
I hope that doesn't scare you too much. ;-)
He knows that. He's probably saying get our troops out of this mess.... which is out of the middle east. He probably could have clarified better.
Al Qaeda in Iran!
Holy Lions Tigers and Bears, Batman!!
I bet they're hiding next to the WMD program. Quickly to the batmobile! Lets catch these guys and get that 12 million dollars!
.....Perpetual war because they will constantly be fighting the blow-back.
There is something seriously wrong with our foreign policy in this country. And this is in no way limited to just Obama and his administraion.