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Forum Post: Dual Citizens in Government. The Enemy Within.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 12:31 a.m. EST by FawkesNews (1290)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

When the allegiance of government officers are not to the country they hold office in and the people are too complacent to remove them, those traitors enjoy wealth, power and the control over the populace they have infiltrated. Any populace so docile and placid as to allow parasites such as these to flourish, deserves nothing less than the disease they are left with. So long as those loyal to another nation are not routed out, exposed and executed as traitors, the children of the host nation will desrvingly succumb to even greater hardships.



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[-] 1 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

Oh you must mean those terrible dual citizens like George Washington.


Under the Law old George was in fact a dual citizen. You cannot judge a person based on where they, or their parents were born. Judge them on the integrity of their actions which they can control, not their heritage over which they have none.

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Renouncing a secondary should not be a problem to a true a patriot in office. Only a subversive would defend those in government with dual loyalties. Thank you for your opinion.

[-] 1 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

Renouncing a secondary is just signing a piece of paper. For those culprits with whom you actually take issue, it is easier than selling their mother; something they do happily each day. Asking them to sign another lie, proves nothing. Judge each person on their actions. At least 8 of the first presidents and 50% of the signers of the declaration of Independence were dual citizens; including it's author.

In fact I would go as far as to say that with out Dual Citizens in Government America would never have started along the road we now try to defend.

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

At one point none of our founding fathers were "American Citizens", so your point there is moot. As for your point regarding the type of individual who would infiltrate a country to usurp its policies, you are absolutely correct in your assessment. I believe that removing Dual Citizens from eligibility of office combined with the removal of lobbyists would at least give the country a chance to restructure itself.

[-] 1 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

So the constitution should read " We they People who's parents have been here for at least 2 generations,"

Why not just do what the Nazi's did, oh wait you are!!! You just haven't got to the Jew's, Blacks or Gays yet... that must be in your second draft, or are you just including them with the term Lobbyists? ACLU et al:

It is up to the PEOPLE to determine each candidates worthiness for office, and that determination should be made based on an individuals actions in FACT not suspicions and prejudiced.

You realize you are advocating Racial Profiling here. I am sure that this is not your intent. Perhaps we should only let The Native Americans stand for office, Including the Mayans and Incas. Lets face it they were here long before the white people. OH but wait some of them may be dual citizens of Mexico or Canada !!!! GOD FORBID

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Your snide remarks are in vain. Please refrain.

[-] 1 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

Perhaps, but I dont see anyone supporting you. Perhaps my First Amendment right to speak out against Fascism is NOT in Vain...

[-] 1 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

worked for the first 150 years, perhaps the immigrants are more grateful to come to a land of the Free and be treated equally. Citizenship in America in modern times is question of money not loyalty, so why use it as a litmus test.


[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Dual Citizens cannot be trusted in government positions.