Forum Post: Drone Ranger hearings disrupted by multiple Code Pink protests.
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 8, 2013, 8:02 a.m. EST by inclusionman
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Protesting drones is the work of the brave.
We owe a debt of gratitude to all groups (ACLU, Code Pink, UFPJ) and individuals who have the courage to fight against the criminal drone strikes. Especially when polls show upwards of 80% support drones!
Because of all anti drone pressure we have succeeded at forcing the government to reduce drone strikes in half!!
Our goal is forcing the government to cut drones to zero.
In addition, we have forced the government to release their phony legal justification to congress, (now it must be made public so we can fight it in court)
The 99% thanks all anti drone protesters.
More drone protests like this.
Wyden & Feinstein against & questioning drone strikes. Why are repubs quiet & supporting these obscenities.
Public supports drones!. How do we change that obscenity.?
If we don't trust an election, why do we trust a poll?
Want the public to not support killing people they think are enemies with losing soldiers? Then see that they know the truth of 9-11, and that isn't what truthers will tell you. What they will tell you is the straw man stories the perps want you to know.
Believe whatever you want. I have watched as the country has ignored this obscenity. I have watched as just a handful of brave souls have stood up to protest against it.
Forget the poll, trust your own eyes, and ears. Most people are not bothered. Ask them and they will tell you. "So we killed 250 people with drones in 2012. we slaughtered millions with strafe bombings in the 60's and 70's, hundreds of thousands in the 80's with helicopter gunships, another million in the middle east with 2 invasions"
How do we reach those people?
No 9-11 truth, no reachee masses.
And what 9/11 truth are you referring to?
The one that technically and feasibly explains what happened and how.
You don't have to tell me the 9/11 truth you speak of. Apparently that is frowned upon here. In any event I'm not against moving forward without the 9/11 truth discussion you refer to.
End the drone strikes.
Ok. Well thanks for imparting that truth. Now we can move on to how to increase support for anti drone protests.
the public does not support drones
most simply don't care
The vast majority (83%) of the public DOES support drone strikes.
I agree they also simply don't care.
How do we convince more to join us to protest against drone strikes.?
Certainly arguing amongst ourselves as to how many Americans support/do not support drone strikes is useless.
The vast majority (83%) when asked whether or not they support drones
that is not active support
Well if we are beyond arguing about the % who support that is something anyway.
I never said active support. The public is not launching the drones. So active or not I suppose my question remains.
How do we convince more to join us to protest against drone strikes.?
hold on
do they support assassinating people in foreign countries?
is this accepted as a necessary evil ?
Yes most Americans appear to support drone strikes that are assassinating people in foreign countries.
Please read the article.
And guess what we still use cruise missiles (killed hundreds of thousands over the last 20 years), AND special forces missions as well.
Americans support that too. Like you said they believe we are at war. Endless war.
We MUST declare the phony 'war on terror' over, if we're to have any hope of ending drone strikes (all military action) and repeal the civil rights violations.
arguments I have heard is that drones save troops
not that assassinating is good
most americans do not support war
Most support this phony war on terror.
I disagree
Well let's get those that do not support it on the street for protests. It is pointless for you and I to argue about what percent support the war or how active.
Code Pink, UFPJ, JustForeignpolicy, are excellent anti war groups that are trying to rally people.
Occupy is not as big in this regard but can be.
You're right, attitudes must be changed, but good luck with that. The public has been convinced that their nation is at war. The losses in battle are very low, drone strikes appear to be an acceptable, even painless (for America) way of fighting this war.
Historically the feeling for the Viet Nam war turned when the media began to criticize policy and show footage of the carnage. Increasing casualties helped change attitudes too. Currently the media downplays anything illegal or immoral the present administration does and casualties are low. I don't know what can be done.
We are doing it. Protesting and educating people.
Must important we must pressure all politicians to declare this phony war on terror over! The fear mongering of that phony war is used to justify invasions, drone/cruise missile strikes, and violations of our civil rights.
So end the drone strikes by 1st declaring the phony war on terror over.
the public mostly doesn't care what is happening somewhere else
I wouldn't call that support
Most people support drone strikes. Unlike you and I and OWS supporters. There is no outrage and when asked (as the article shows) people say they rather have drone strikes than sending/sacrificing American troops.
How do we counter that argument?
The biggest problem I have with the drone program is that they are being used in countries that Congress did not give the President authority to invade. The Administration loves to say that the governments of Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan gave the President the authority, but I don't remember the Constitution saying war powers are the prerogative of foreign nations. Such a precedent opens the gate to continued, unabated war. I believe the War Powers Act should come into play every time a drone is used. Drones are a loophole in our Constitution
Also, the loss of human life, especially those of our country men, has always been a deterrent to war. I feel this new way of fighting wars will make war never ending.
Agree. 100%. And it is that "never ending quality" some in America have been drooling over.
Remember, the "never ending" 'War on Terror' and whatever laws constitute that obscenity is what has been used to justify the drone strikes, 2 real invasions, and civil rights violations.
A good start to ending drone (and the rest) would be to declare the phony 'War on terror" over.
Disgusting and offensive. We MUST get into the street (even though we are in the minority) and protest the drone strikes and the war on terror.
I don't acknowledge the legitimacy of the statement
"Most people support drone strikes. "
Perhaps you can acknowledge that some do. If so then I wouldask if you had any ideas to get them on board with us in protesting these crimes.
those supporting the drone program are most likely those that profit from it.
Most other's won't care one way or another.
Extend automation into other fields besides killing people and those people can continue to have a job
Gotcha. No ideas. We will continue the protests against these obscenities and in time the majority of our population will see the light.
transfer the military into public healthcare providers
One of a greatest problems is the belief that everyone should be working when their isn't enough labor that needs to be done.
Well I agree unemployment is a huge problem. I submit that growing the economy is our best chance at job creation. The infrastructure, and greentech investments would be big help.
a good economy would be an efficient one requiring less work from the people
unfortunately, one must work for someone else's money to get money even if the work is not needed.
I like the sound of less work.!
can't stay idle myself
Well less work isn't No work. Some work and some socialization.
"All work no play makes Johnny a dull boy."
I'm far less social
Then you gotta work on that.
Me neither. but the poll asks specifically if they support the drone attacks. So that might be support.
who's pole
ABC/Wash post. Read the story, It is chilling
i think it was MSM. ABC i think.
certainly not the voice of the people
The source is not, but the people polled perhaps And I can tell you many regular average people I know also think the drones are perfectly ok. They don't think so deeply about it.
How do we reach those people?
appeal to their humanity
yes, demonstrations, high visiblity protests, pressure on all politicians.
pictures of mangled bombed bodies
worked for vietnam
those drones have camera
I see no reason why those records of public action should not be public
I'm not against that very graphic tactic. The only reason we don't see it is because it would create more opposition.
End the droning. Declare the war on terror over.
where was the overwhelming public expressing support for targeted killings?
some sort of "silent majority"