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Forum Post: Drone Crash in Florida

Posted 11 years ago on July 18, 2013, 7:09 a.m. EST by TikiJ (-38)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


We live in a authoritative, repressive police state. Every state.

(from below)

And Im sure until November 5th, 2014 no one is going to do much. And Im sure that magical day of voting, the overwhelming vast majority will put all the same characters right back in their thrones to lead them again.

A repressive, abusive police state that is bombing people overseas and using slave labor for your cheap sneakers, while poisoning your food/water/air and printing for themselves around one trillion a year without paying any taxes either.

Those people have a 95% re-election rate.

We. Are. Too. Dumb. To. Fail.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Check out these pics:


They are bringing the war here whether you like it or not.

[-] 0 points by forourfutures (393) 11 years ago

Brutal truth. Talk to your neighbor, slap his ass if he tells you something he heard on TV . . . unless it's to warn you about something real and he knows the difference.

Yea, we don't want to generalize, we need to know and conduct critical thinking. If people refuse to; examine facts, to discuss what makes them facts, to discuss what lawful action is for the public that seeks to defend and enforce the constitution.

It's time to stand with reason in unity to defend our rights. You might consider more than a slap. You know they used hit mules with a2x4 to get their attention. At any rate, when it comes to dealing with your deceived fellow Americans, these are cheaper than guns & ammo,


and if you win you can go buy guns to defend the constitution as a precaution, or if you loose you can get them to defend yourself from the DHS as they remove the terrorist threat:-).

[-] 0 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

And Im sure until November 5th, 2014 no one is going to do much.

And Im sure that magical day of voting, the overwhelming vast majority will put all the same characters right back in their thrones to lead them again.

A repressive, abusive police state that is bombing people overseas and using slave labor for your cheap sneakers, while poisoning your food/water/air and printing for themselves around one trillion a year without paying any taxes either.

Those people have a 95% re-election rate.

We. Are. Too. Dumb. To. Fail.

[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

"Officials say the drone has a limited, 24-hour battery life and will be inactive after the battery is depleted."

Oh, isn't that special? Lucky us.

What the hell is wrong with this country? You said it right, TikiJ.

[-] -2 points by Moonbat (-37) 11 years ago

Then there's this

City pushes for bounty on surveillance DRONES and even suggests official hunting permits so residents can shoot them down (even though they admit they have NEVER seen an unmanned craft fly past)
