Forum Post: dow up nearly 1,000 this week, jobless rate drops to 2 year low, consumer confidence at 3 year highs
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 10:50 a.m. EST by morons123
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This wonderful country has been through terrible economic times in the past, has been experiencing one now and will have more in the future. America has, is and will always survive. God Bless America!!!!!
The Dow being up 1000 in a week is an indication of how broken our system is. A 1000 point swing is caused by all the hedge funds running their computer trading systems, along with the FED injecting liquidity into the European financial system. The unemployment is down because 300,000 have dropped out of the work force. So we have an army of people who want jobs, can't get them, and have given up. People, you have to look behind the numbers at what is really going on...
and when the Dow is down 1000 in a week does this represent anything? or is that just as irrelevant?
1000 points seems to be alarming
Thank you and when it dumps that would probably represent a point of no intervention, because in reality the market is way over valued.
The raw materials sectors are booming and they are always the first to recover.
I am hopeful that better days are ahead. It the economy picks up and people are working the pressure on the national budget dissipates.
I'm waiting for my $1 trillion dollar from the Fed. I hope it comes soon so I can be a good consumer and spend ALL of IT. I'm want to be a JOB CREATOR. I'm a GOD.. ;)
not my confidence
And you all belive that shit, you all know jobless numbers are only down becuas people have ran out of unemployment. Once your six months of unemployment is up you come off the books, it does not matter if you are working or not. These numbers don,t mean shit they just want you to go out and buy worthless shit.
I can't imagine the level of ignorance and naivete it would take to think that the stock market represents the real life conditions of the majority of Americans.
A BLS manipulated joke on the unknowing...Probably seasonal employment and look here:
Why the labor force shrunk by 315,000! Ha Ha....
BLS is a bunch of crap...BLS: Bureau of Lying Scumbags!
Everything's fine now, you can go back to work!
Dow Jones is rigged so the big boys cash in on the lows and the highs...
Everything is a fucking rig.
Everything is a fucking rig? Is the entire world against you or just this country?
Yea, in a big way, the system is rigged. Some people are smart enough to take advantage of the rig...others not so lucky. If you are working class, you better watch YOUR ass.
I'm just part of the rig..but at least I'll tell you I am!
nick I like the way you are not even sure how to reply,or who you are against in this "movement" say
"yea....system rigged....Some people are SMART enough to take advantage of the rig..others not so LUCKY..." so which one is it? Are you now going to flip flop and now say that the 1% are
I love my country, I don't like what it's turned into and I'm for this movement...Maybe I should have said "Lucky", "Fortunate" or "Connected" instead of smart?
It sounds like I'm flip flopping but I'm not, I'm a cog in the wheel of the system, and all because you are a part of the system doesn't make you a one percenter..But it does give you a window into what's wrong..
I want everyone to have a fair shot...
Economic numbers, from across the world suggests that , the world is going into a deep recession (depression) due to natural resource depletion- global warming, ponzi scheme, and the world wide baby boomers retiring+ its probable that this economic downturn will last , quite a long time.++ If the big boys- that control the us economy believe that they can not stop the depression. they will drive up the stock market stock prices- thru their controlled media- and sell off all their stocks when they think it has peaked.-- i would suggest that you change god bless america to "HEAVEN HELP US ALL" training web page
So the idea of America recovering bothers you? Wouldn't it make OWS irrelevant? Imagine if you guys were wrong....
Before you boast about this to much take a look at the number that dropped out of the workforce and it would have gone up, instead of down
how many are temp? the dow numbers are bullshit. it's rigged by software. this is already established.
So Richard if the Dow #'s are rigged does that mean when they are down it is BS also?
if the #'s are rigged did Fannie Mae and Fr. Mac stock prices really collapse? Were those #'s rigged?
Richard- In the computer world we all live in you can just about find anyone saying anything; someone making any argument on any topic.
Can you answer my question without cutting and pasting one of the millions of clips on you tube???
i'm sorry. i thought it was a question, not a debate. typically if you would like to debate you begin by offering a counter argument. would you care to try again?
i asked you several questions and you answered with a you tube clip.
the video is a good description of the situation on the wall. since i am not a financial adviser, i figure letting someone who is would be a better fit to answer your question.
The jobless rate is fake, it does not account for the hundreds of thousands of people that are not getting unemployment insurance.Those people are no longer counted as unemployed. As if they don't exist. The real jobless rate is closer to 16%
Welcome to the pump before the dump. The international bankster cartel acted in concert to increase the money supply, thus stimulating the economy. this also has the effect of a hidden tax, in the long run because it leads to inflation.
Isn't it nice that they have let up on the choke collar for a bit? Just wait until people start to feel like they are free. If you think the previous downturns were harsh. The future is looking a whole lot worse.
The thing is, the banksters know when the economy is going to shift, because they make it happen. From recent revelations, they are far more active in the shadows than previously reported. Injecting $trillions in hidden bailout money is unquestionably going to cause the economy to respond. When you know its going to happen beforehand, you can position yourself to acquire the assets held by the people being squeezed by the existing stresses.
It's basically macroeconomic insider trading.
One motive for floating the economy up for a bit is to diffuse the anger welling up in the world as exemplified by OWS. It's kind of like the Mafia not collecting their protection money around Christmas time. People who are accustomed to the regular shake down look at it as benevolence.
Don't buy it.
ALWAYS!!!!!!!! We proved that when we stole the land from the Indians (but thats ok to the liberals) We proved that when we kicked the Brits out of here and formed our own country,war of 1812, ,the Panic of 1837(financial crisis),Civil war,Panic of 1873,the great depression, word wars,terrorist attacks...WE WILL SURVIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Prepare for an Economic 9/11 and Economic Martial Law": "The entire global economic system is collapsing"
Gerald Celente talks to Lew Rockwell about his top trend forecast for 2012 : .
God Bless The 99% ; God Damn The 1% 0f The 1% [The Parasitic 0.01% !]
fiat justitia RUAT COELUM !!
If there is a god (with ethics) that can bless, i don´t believe America would be the first choice.
love it :)
is america your first choice?
For what purpose?
Living here in America; is this your first choice as opposed to another country?
If i could pick ANY country? Hmmm...that is a question too big to answer for me right now. So many diverse countries and cultures in the world to choose from.
It doesn't really matter. I have lived around the world and in reality human life is the same everywhere.
OK. Well, if you care to and you are able to find the time I would be curious to know if America was your first choice.
God isn't real! Why not unicorns bless america. Or dragons. That would be awesome if dragons could bless america. Dragons are sweet!
Maybe to you God isn't real but to some Americans God is real and your disdain for the belief in a higher power has no place in OWS. Would you appreciate being made fun of because you're an atheist? Which btw is a religious belief even if you believe it isn't.
I am a buddhist which has taught me to not believe something just because someone says its true. God is not a ghost man living in the clouds. God is everything around us. How can the culmination of energies bless america? It isn't a physical being with a brain that can bless things. We have the power to change things. Real people. If we think waiting for some imaginary God to come and save us we are in real trouble.
I never said we should wait for some "imaginary God" in fact the bible itself tells you that He will only help those who help themselves. No where did I state that this movement should put it's trust in God to resolve the issues we as men/women have created in this world I'm just saying that your mocking of someone who says God bless America is as bad as someone mocking your belief in a little fat bald headed asian guy. BTW... many scholars believe Jesus was actually trained in Buddhist philosophy among many others. Really the point is that this movement is about us as humans and ridiculing someones religious beliefs only takes away from the validity of the movement.
BTW buddha wasn't fat or bald. That is a false representation. I'm just saying religion has no place here. This isn't about religious justice. Lets leave God out of it. I don't like that people say "GOD bless america. If you really believe he cares about all beings than say " God bless the world." That's all. Thank you.
boy, you have a lot of rules, don't you. Maybe you should write them out so we can refer to them before posting.
Great so we agree that this is not a religious debate... but telling someone to not invoke the name of their deity and ask that that deity bestow a blessing on our country is in opposition to everything OWS stands for.
If you say so.
If I'm wrong please explain... your opinion is valued even if I don't agree with you.
OWS isn't a religious movement. Sorry I just think God bless america is tacky that's all. I value your opinion as well.
I agree it is tacky... but when we get hung up on small things like this we fall right into the trap the MSM and pols have set forth. Divide from within using issues like religious beliefs or ideologies.
We are only caught up in it because you commented on my reply. It was just a statement not up for debate. I'm not caught up.
What I posted is true. This means America is coming out of the mess we are in. What would that do to OWS? Minus the religious comments it sounds like everyone else here wants America to fail. For OWS to succeed, America must fail. Pretty pathetic.
inpersonator-- a few minutes ago i responded to you as thrasyamque IT was misspelled- now as glaucom-- also misspelled- i was testing to see how smart you were? iq about 65 training web page
I know who you are. You are here to tell lies. It wont work. You're an idiot. Ha ha ha. Your training page sux! Woo hoo.
i am the all powerful thrasymaque born a sophists and best friend of Socrates. If you go to my great web page i will make you drink of Hemlock.
How do you know this young country of the US will ALWAYS survive which is not sustainable with it greed and corruption?
I believe this country will survive as it has in the past. The economy is showing signs of this. One day we will have another economic crisis and we will survive that one also. How are you so sure America won't survive? If America does survive wouldn't that make your "cause" irrelevant?
America to the elites is an anomaly, they want gone! Individuals as sovereigns! How dare the peasants!
That's why you're always bombarded with happy thoughts on the prince and new princess..Trying to get you used to the way they think it's supposed to be!
I cringe every time I see this crap!
Hopefully, it will not survive as in the past ... there will be MAJOR changes or it will die.
I will ask again, if America does survive, wouldn't that make your "cause" irrelevant?
OWS's cause is for CHANGE! Please read up ...
Karen I am so sorry for you. To see life and the world in such a light must be so sad.
It's called reality! Get educated ...
It wont survive what's happening now at the rate of decline we are in. We need change now!