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Forum Post: Doomed to Fail

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:32 a.m. EST by RegVoter (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Our system is broken because of the “professional politicians” and their big money interests.

After the stock market crash of 1929 and the great depression that followed, laws were put in place to regulate the stock market and the financial institutions to make sure that tragedy never happened again. All these laws were reversed by your “professional politicians”, the laws and regulations were reversed in the name of greed for the big money interests. People have been warning that we were headed for a train wreck since the 1990s, but your lawmakers ignored those warnings in favor of big money, and steamed full speed ahead into the catastrophe of 2008.

Our free enterprise system thrives on the competition between companies and businesses large and small to provide the best services and products for your dollar. That system only works if the same rules of survival and failure in the open market place apply to all.

The biggest money interests that have a firm grip on your “professional politicians” corrupt our free enterprise system. The insurance, credit card and banking industries are among a few of the special interests that don’t have to live by the open market rules. It was their greed, mismanagement and dangerous financial investing that got them into trouble. But your tax dollars bailed them out so we can go back to paying high rates, and they can go back to billion dollar profits.

We need to learn from history and fix our system, or we are doomed to fail again. Limit the terms of the “professional politician” and cut the ties between the big money interests that own them.



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[-] 1 points by TakeAmericaBack (39) 13 years ago

"All these laws were reversed by your “professional politicians”------

'All these laws' is so ambiguous. Are you sure they repealed ALL THESE laws? Not sure what you are talking about here.