Forum Post: Don't you think Women should be convened to discuss women's health? Emergency call for action, your voice is needed.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 16, 2012, 10:11 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Women's issues require women. - Update This is what I said what will you say? : ( 2/26/2012 )
End discrimination in the halls of power. The Government needs to respect Women's rights and their ability to contribute. Women's issues require women's involvement - no ifs ands or buts
My comment submitted today 2/22/2012: Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, and House Administration Committee Chairman Dan Lungren must immediately reverse their decision to deny Sandra Fluke the right to have her testimony televised. Do not deny the public their right to attend. Do not deny Americas right to be involved. This will help keep the spin Dr.s silent. Clean up politics be clear and transparent to the people of the USA.
What would you like to say ?
2/22/2012 Update action request: Action Update on Women's Rights:
Dan --
Last week, the nation was appalled that Republicans held a hearing on women’s access to birth control coverage that included a panel with five men and no women.
Now, they’ve gone a step further.
In a last-minute move, House Republicans have apparently changed their own rules to deny televised testimony from Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student that Republicans refused to let testify last week.
Will you immediately sign our petition calling on Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, and House Administration Committee Chairman Dan Lungren to reverse their disgraceful decision to deny Sandra the right to have her testimony televised?
It is unacceptable that Republicans would once again deny women the right to publicly testify about women’s health care. It is up to all of us to speak out against this shameful censorship.
Act quickly: the hearing is set for tomorrow morning. Add your name >>
Thank you,
Dan --
We almost couldn’t believe it. Today, at a House Oversight Committee hearing, House Republicans convened a panel on denying access to birth control converge with five men and no women. As my colleague Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney asked, where are the women?
Join me in our call to Speaker Boehner, Eric Cantor, Chairman Issa and all House Republicans to demand that women be brought to the table when discussing women’s health issues. Help us gather 50,000 signatures before Congress heads home tomorrow.
Sign the petition >>
Thank you for standing up for what’s right and joining our fight.
Best, Nancy Pelosi
Don't you think Women should be convened to discuss women's health?
Wis. Republicans Belittle Women
OM fn G
WTF. Is this Walker trying to throw shit before He is made to leave office?
F--kn A. The Republicans in office are not going to settle for digging a hole - They want a Chernobyl meltdown. Spew toxic shit into the atmosphere for decades.
Yep. Exactly that.
But, that whole equality thing might be a wedge issue.
Well it certainly is an attention grabber. Distraction and Division.
WTF do they expect to gain by this other than destroying their immediate future.
My immediate future and that of other women.
That must be what their tactic is.
A keyhole state action to threaten the country with. Advertise the possability of this spreading and what do you get?
Major pandemonium.
Talk about chaos.
Well I certainly hope that it blows-up in their faces.
Well, apparently it is isn't enough to try to back the message of women must be barefoot and pregnant or stay at home to hand over the jobs. It must now be a crisis between men and women as they fight over scraps.
Yep. Talk about trying to muddy the waters.
I think though this strategy of theirs will work against them in a very large way.
They may find that they hit themselves in the face with a baseball bat. Then shot themselves in the foot during the reaction and then fell off a cliff due to their loss of balance.
I agree. I cannot think of anything more hideous. I think that they will look back and regret this moment.
That is if they don't blow out their brains 1st for committing political suicide and then for following it up by killing the republican party forever.
They may end up having to do that. It's a shame that it has to go down like this. It really is. I think it is unfair to those former or current Republicans that cannot divorce themselves from the extremists and ALEC.
But, all good things must come to an end. I won't shed any tears.
Me either. I never did believe in Parties. Always seemed to me to be a source of divisiveness leading to a waste of time during time in office. If we can just get down to the brass tacks of supporting the people we will be OK.
This is ludicrous.
It is sad and scary to see them try to roll back time.
Yeah, it is.
Would you mind telling me again how you describe yourself?
What's wrong, Thrassy? Called you out of hiding?
And again, little Koch whore that is all your game. :D
And look, it's you again
Whoa. Welcome to paranoia city. I have never heard of that user, and I have been on here awhile. It's fine with me if you want to make believe that I am another person on here, because hey, there cannot be more than one rational person on a forum like this, they all have to be sockpuppets of the same person...Right?
You aren't rational. That's the problem. You're a real sociopathic little fuck and your alts all sing the same tune. You just do everything that you can to redirect the conversations.............'cause you are a dick.'re more like a...dick for sale.
Action Update on Women's Rights:
Dan --
Last week, the nation was appalled that Republicans held a hearing on women’s access to birth control coverage that included a panel with five men and no women.
Now, they’ve gone a step further.
In a last-minute move, House Republicans have apparently changed their own rules to deny televised testimony from Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student that Republicans refused to let testify last week.
Will you immediately sign our petition calling on Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, and House Administration Committee Chairman Dan Lungren to reverse their disgraceful decision to deny Sandra the right to have her testimony televised?
It is unacceptable that Republicans would once again deny women the right to publicly testify about women’s health care. It is up to all of us to speak out against this shameful censorship.
Act quickly: the hearing is set for tomorrow morning. Add your name >>
Thank you,
last names should be required on the petition
the list of signers should also be publicly visible
I signed
How do you not have women involved?
Exactly! WTF do men know about women's health issues?
Nothing. They know nothing about women's issues.
Even if it gets past the Republitard House, it's doubtful it would ever make it past the Senate. BUt it is still a real concern, especially considering the issue could be pinned on other bills as a rider.
The way to deal with this crap is to vote and get rid of the Republitard and Tea Party obstructionists. But try telling that to the OWS core. They seem to think that by refusing to recognize the system and by abstaining from voting in order to protest, that they will magically be spared any consequences of that system, which frankly doesn't recognize them.
We should insist that legislation be short and clear
this will expose any rider issues
100% RIGHT!! Only the sole rule of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY can save humanity!!!!!! Their uncorruptable spirit will lead us to equality in life!
Damn Black Sun I think you're starting to get it!!!
Thanks! Too many. People here hem and haw about it. One party rule will get things done!
WAIT a MINUTE who’s talking one party, once we get rid of the Republicans, we split the dems into, that’s the way it’s ALWAYS been done.
You might as well give it a try. The (R)epelican'ts certainty aren't going to do it. They keep trying to smash humanity into a wall.
Hyperbole is fun, but ultimately pointless.
Women's issues require women. - Update This is what I said what will you say? : ( 2/26/2012 )
End discrimination in the halls of power. The Government needs to respect Women's rights and their ability to contribute. Women's issues require women's involvement - no ifs ands or buts
Concerning the ultrasound laws states under republican control are passing: how many require the woman to look at the ultrasound? And is it even constitutional to legislate that any person HAS to LOOK at something? It does not seem to me this is something we can allow to stand.... Suppose they want to make it law that you HAVE to LOOK at pictures of murdered children in order to get child murder rates down? Are they proposing eyelid clamps to ensure the person LOOKS at what they want? Are nurses and doctors or teachers going to have to REPORT to government if someone REFUSES to LOOK or focus attention on whatever they choose to mandate? What if democrats decide to enact legislation that all adults HAVE to LOOK at people injured or killed in war before being allowed to vote or join the military?
Folks, whether you are opposed to abortion or nor, this legislation poses a very real danger to the boundry between you and the government!
Signed the Petition.. and TY for the Opportunity! Hard to fight Ignorance..
..especially when it comes from the Very Pitts of what is Below the ..'Man-hole' Cover.
Thanks for participating in direct action. Did you advertise it by word of internet too?
Sent it out to a Diverse Group on Twitter. And, i will post it on my Web Site Message board today..
Take Care.. and a job Well done! Marlow
Thank you very much.
Forward united movements against corruption.
My comment submitted today: Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, and House Administration Committee Chairman Dan Lungren must immediately reverse their decision to deny Sandra Fluke the right to have her testimony televised. Do not deny the public their right to attend. Do not deny Americas right to be involved. This will help keep the spin Dr.s silent. Clean up politics be clear and transparent to the people of the USA.
What would you like to say ? :
yes they should.. what is wrong with the women in congress! how could they allow this to go on? who called for this. meeting. . as if female politicians did not know and did nothing. what was all the point of getting women into politics if they are just gonna allow the good ol boys to run over them? and now they want ? what? getting them elected was not enough??
Update : Thanks to your continued support of our efforts to hold Republicans’ feet to the fire, we had an incredible week:
After House Republicans convened a panel on birth control coverage with NO WOMEN, over 250,000 of you demanded that women must be allowed at the table when women's health care is at stake. Add your name >>
Thanks to your continued support of our efforts to hold Republicans’ feet to the fire, we had an incredible week:
After House Republicans convened a panel on birth control coverage with NO WOMEN, over 250,000 of you demanded that women must be allowed at the table when women's health care is at stake. Add your name >>
There should be nothing but women on that committee. I've often thought that legislation effecting a particular group of people ( women, blacks, homosexuals etc..) should be decided ONLY my members of that group.
It would be helpful for having people with the same kinds of background, to enhance understanding and to make sure real issues get addressed.
Thanks for link, signed and liked!
You are welcome. This is why we are here. To address issues that need attention. Thanks for taking part.
Here is how out of touch old white men can be (not all, of course) with regard to women's health:
"Today in an interview on Andrea Mitchell Reports, a high-profile and extremely wealthy Rick Santorum backer named Foster Fries said that: ”This contraception thing, my gosh it’s so inexpensive. Back in my day they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives, the gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.”
Thanks for shedding light on the importance of this issue, DKAtoday.
Can't help it. When I see something so blatantly wrong. I have to noise it about. I hope all of the women Occupy and 99% supporters will see and add their voice. As well as any enlightened men supporters.
Fortunately, there are a lot of enlightened men, and many right here in this forum.
Yep. We are all gathering to make a better world. Women & Men together.
Don't you think Women should be convened to discuss women's health?
Contraception? No Womb, No Opinion!
I'll vote for that.
In a country that took until the 90s to remove legality from spousal rape from the books in some States, we are not so far from barbarity towards women.
It wasn't THAT long ago that women didn't even have a right to vote...
I, and I'm sure many others, are tired of seeing old white men tell blacks, homosexuals, women, and any other group how to live their lives. What happened to "Live and let live?"
For these guys the concept never existed. It's more like control who you can control.
Touche! And see what happened since.
population control
If it is the womans business then why do men have to pay child support? Do away with child support and you can do anything YOU want to.
Eat shit and bark at the moon.
If you are not father material - then stay out of the child's life - you will be doing them a favor.
But if you bring a life into this world be a man at least as far as taking responsibility.
Then try not to be a father again. Have some one cut off your balls.
Pretty simple and stupid statement on your part. You fail to consider the woman cares nothing for the child and the father does but the woman gets the child. In most cases the woman gets the child and the male is willing to take it but cant. A FACT: Over one million children are aborted,,, KILLED,,, each year by a woman over the objection of the male. It's not the man's balls that need to be cut off.
I replied in the spirit that seemed best to your opening comment. You can own it now. Your follow-up comment is no better of an excuse and just goes to show real animosity on your part.
0 points by FreeDiscussion5 (12) 31 minutes ago
If it is the womans business then why do men have to pay child support? Do away with child support and you can do anything YOU want to. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
Grow up. Don't want to pay child support? Don't fuck.
Pretty simple shit.
It's not the fucking part. Both participate, and typically agree on the act. But then ONE party can make the decisions on a child. The woman can decide to keep it, can decide to KILL it. Then the woman is given the right to force the man to pay for it following a divorce. Just because the woman was doing a natural thing for 9 months does not mean she should have a lifetime of control.
You're a wreck.
Look, its called shared custody. Men have as much say as women do in education, health care and religion. Women do not always keep the child or will hand over children once the kids are old enough.
Don't like it? Don't fuck.
so much for being a unbiased movement
I don't think the government has any business telling business how to compensate its employees. And ask yourselves this, what interest does the state have in promoting contraception?... Thinning the herd, perhaps?
The herd is getting kind of fat.
So you would suggest Jenny Craig instead?
No they don't want to thin the herd. That would make prisoners (workers) to rare of a commodity.
There's plenty of workers in the third world, which is convenient because that's where all the jobs are going. It's we Americans that are redundant. This is their 1% solution; contraception for the new, euthanasia for the old.
So. Do you suppose then? That the surveillance drones are really going to be armed? I mean you know, since as you say America doesn't need the workers. Maybe we are supposed to be convenient target practice? I mean why waste natural resources.
Yes, but they would start with Bigfoot first, since it's a bigger, more abundant target.
Well you may very well have a good point there. But I think because Bigfoot is a better user of natural camouflage. Starting out hunting the BF would let the rest of us study the technique, make the inexperienced last longer when the time came.
Absolutely, even though such training is hardly necessary, as we have the use of DNA seeking mind control death rays we're using in secret near the North Pole.
Yes but that would be seriously unfair to use for training purpose's, unless it was very limited use of coarse. You would burn through the herd to fast.
Or maybe some horny guy, just doesn't want to get his girlfriend pregnant.
Or maybe she doesn't want to get pregnant.
That shit's expensive.
It must be if he needs me to pick up the tab for his good time.
How do you know it was "good"?
If it wasn't, why would they be doing it?
OIC You haven't tried it yet.
Give it some time son, you'll learn.
Hormones happen, if you are normal.
that's rubbish, house republicans didn't meet to discuss denying access to birth control. You are an democrat operative, pushing this rubbish.
Hole digger tomahawk99 (-13) you appear like magic to support your status-quo agenda. Keep digging you have a long way to go in getting to China.
is that all you've got? you are so stupid its embarrassing to the Democratic Party There is no Replublican nor any democrat or anyone else meeting to deny contraception to women. You lie. Read and analyze your stuff before you put it out here.
Go back to sleep denier of truth. Hole digging supporter of the greedy/corrupt.
How is he lying?
you can't even debate, how pathetic are you. You just can copy/paste articles without even analyzing them. You are an embarrassment to whatever political movement you support.
Don't need to debate you. Most everyone already knows who you are and what you support. I have better things to do with my time than waste it on you.
well, i guess that i didn't get that memo. i must say that i'm disappointed in you, but keep up the good copy/paste effort and don't forget that i'm shovel ready just like your dear leader likes.
shoot and epa. You are getting predictable.
Nancy Pelosi is a addle-brained San Fransisco millionaire elitist cunt. Anyone with an IQ of 50 or more just laughs at her.
Sadly none of those with a moral IQ of more than 2 are forcing her, and the rest of the inside trading crooks, be arrested and prosecuted.