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Forum Post: Don't wait for WWIII to Declare WAR is not an economic solution.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 2:10 p.m. EST by LOVEPEACE (199)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Peace is Prosperity.

The collapse has been engineered. They claim solidarity and will blame China, Russia and Iran for your lack of jobs, security, freedom and liberty.

So now you know ahead of time. Let them know that you know. Demand Peace now. The only infinity sustainable economic model is one that is based on Peace. Not one that is enforced through violent domination. If you support violence you will need to indefinitely support it for self preservation. This is not an economy. This is a slave camp. We decide what has value and if you disagree you go to prison or are murdered. Whether country, or US citizen.

We have more people in prison than North Korea. Are the citizens really that evil? We have the largest, most lethal military in the world. Is it a coincidence that we also rule the world economy?

Demand peace. Nothing else matters.



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