Forum Post: Don't vote - PRAY
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 7, 2012, 10:43 a.m. EST by Jehovah
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Pat Robertson: God Told Me Who The Next President Will Be
While Pat won't tell, if you really want to know who it will be, I'll let you in on the secret: the next President of the United Sates will be the best one that money can buy.
God helps those who helps themselves- And the next president will be the one who helps himself to the most campaign advertisement money- Since obama, bailed out all the banks- i predict that obama will again get the monetary support of the wall street bankers- This time ? 1 billion dollars-
It's not like a majority of the electorate knows or cares. They don't care enough to learn about the candidates. They will end up voting against someone based on 30 second attack ads.
That's what Jehovah said: the next President of the United Sates will be the best one that money can buy.
God uses the good one and the bad ones use God
All that remains is to define the "good ones".
Are you a "good one" if you start presidential cabinet meetings with a prayer?
you can not be a good one and president