Forum Post: Don't use violence, but resist!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 9:02 a.m. EST by KingCobe
from Baltimore, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I understand and agree with this movements commitment to non-violence. I understand that it's important to document brutal police tactics for the sake of the victim and the movement. But is that ALL you should do?
The most recent video of a man being punched for no reason by a whiteshirt NYPD is a great example. Protesters scream, protesters film, protesters chant "Shame!" but no one tries to unarrest the man, no one tries to block the police from him, nothing.
The only instance of non-violent resistance to police opression I saw was early on on the brooklyn bridge. The police would try to pull someone from the front to arrest then and the crowd would pull them back. It was really a beautiful sight, and looks much better for the movement than just watching your fellow man be beaten and chained.
I support this movement and I marched on the brooklyn bridge and was arrested. I understand things seem different from an ant's eye view- like there's more cops than there are, that they're bigger than they are, etcetera. Don't let the illusion hold. Today when you take times square, don't let them take even one of you to prison. Resist! You outnumber them and the world is on your side.
Also, there was quite a bit of resistance in front of the stock exchange. which was good to see