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Forum Post: Don't make demands

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:28 a.m. EST by LisainNJ (0) from Ramsey, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I think that Occupy Wall Street should NOT make demands. The Republicans and the Tea Party are just waiting for specific demands that they can systematically attack. They’ve got their Think Tank people lined up to distract the public with meaningless side arguments. That’s what happened with Michael Moore’s film on health care. The overall message was valid, and everyone who was paying attention knew it. The healthcare industry sought to discredit the whole film by attacking meaningless small details. Instead of focusing on the overall truth, that health care must be overhauled, the media gave the impression that the film was riddled with errors. They will do the same thing to Occupy Wall Street!



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[-] 1 points by antipolitics (127) 13 years ago

perhaps we team up with the Tea Party... I think it benefits the 1% if we get into bitch fights with the Tea Party... we are the same... they are part of the 99% as well...

[-] 1 points by Justice4All (285) 13 years ago

Well, I think that they will attack no matter what. I do not think we should frame our demands with them in mind - at all.

We do, however, need demands because we need these demonstrations to amount to something - policies.

Policies that are equitable and improve the economy.

[-] 1 points by RepresentativePress (16) 13 years ago

Justice4All, I agree. I think a very smart demand (one of the top ones if not THE top one, should be proposal for legislation to become law which will hold WALL STREET ACCOUNTABLE for what they have done and the continued risk those pose to our society by wrecking the economy. A logical and practical demand is TAX WALL STREET (a demand I have seen many fellow resistance protestors saying and on their signs) Makes sense to me that the first demand should be a tax on all financial-market transactions. http://representativepress.blogspot.com/2011/10/occupywallstreet-tax-stock-trades-now.html "make the Wall Street crooks and gamblers pay for their own Washington bailout." HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE AND INSURE US AGAINST THEIR GREED! It will generate billions of dollars which we demand be used to help the people with systems and programs of, by and for the people.

If anyone wants to help, you can click here for a link to a pdf of the flyer, you can download, print and distribute it. It saves paper because each page has three flyers so you can cut it in thirds to hand out to people: http://Tinyurl.com/OWSflyer