Forum Post: Don't let them divide and conquer
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:44 a.m. EST by Krankie
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There is no doubt that the establishment are terrified of any movement that might diminish their wealth or power. So they will resort to their normal tactics of divide and conquer. Right vs. Left. Black vs. White. "Capitalist" vs. "Socialist". Young vs. Old. Rural vs. Urban. They will do anything they can to discredit this movement. If the movement is to survive and be successful, it MUST be smart. Rather than fight amongst ourselves or with other groups, we must reach out. Many of the people in the original Tea Party movement (before it got hijacked by the Koch brothers) were protesting many of the same things as Occupy Wall Street, so we should reach out to those people and stress our common interests. Many people that support the Tea Party have also seen their jobs offshored - there is no reason why those people should not be able to continue in the Tea Party, but also support Occupy Wall Street. We need to be smart, we need to be wary, and we need to do all we can to not alienate anyone. The only way the movement can achieve success is by numbers. And, please, control your profanity - it achieves nothing and only turns off people that don't like it. Finally, I would like to thank all the people that have turned out and supported the movement - your courage and perseverance may be the key to saving this country from slipping into banana republic status.
Why not unite under a single front, start with something everyone, the 99%, can agree on. End corporate contributions in campaigns, and restrict lobbyists access to congress. That way you sever the chords that bind Wall Street and Capitol Hill.