Forum Post: Don't ignore governments role in taking away your future.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:43 a.m. EST by Faithntruth
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please remember that the age of retirement for social security, access to private retirement funds without penalties, and Medicare eligibility is all being pushed farther and farther parents are in their early 70s. I cannot imagine forcing them to work at this time of their lives! And people who work in manual labor type jobs?? Really? A 70 year old climbing electrical poles? Replacing a broken pipe under a house?
You simply must bring attention to the ridiculousness of this!!
Do you understand that the "official" age of retirement also affects when you can cash out your private retirement fund without paying a penalty? Do you understand how big that penalty is? And that your money will be held hostage? Try to imagine an engineer who can't see a computer screen, a secretary who can't remember where an important document is, an electrician whose hands are twisted and painful with arthritis, all being denied retirement because at 71 they are too young to retire!! And let's talk about the employer who is certainly not going to keep them on the payroll.... How do you propose these people, yes PEOPLE, live? Pay bills? Eat? This will be you before you know it...
One way to save social security is to stop the zero-interest borrowing out of those funds to compensate for the giveaways to corporations and the extravagant wars that they benefit from. We can also consider raising or eliminating the cap of $106,800/year on which social security taxes are assessed.
Take a look at the 99% declaration working group:
Also, check out the poll for bite-size ideas to be added to a Money-Out-Of-Politics Constitutional Amendment and add your input and support:
The SS system has no money. The only way to avoid future total collapse is to decrease spending of it. It is unfortunate that our parents (and mine) were sold a false bill of goods and lied to about SS, how it operates, and what their payouts will be. However if we want most people to be able to see some of what they put in this needs to happen.
The best thing would be to get rid of these systems altogether so that no one is ever lied to again and jeopardizes their future based on the lies of government (especially when they have no choice in the matter as with SS).