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Forum Post: Don't get Me Wrong

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 10:49 p.m. EST by SearchingforTruth (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am a very young woman. I am not very organized... despite that, I thought I could contribute somehow. LOL it backfired. I'm known for being bad at helping. But, I want OWS to work.

I am more Independent.

I really hate the "Republicans suck" "Democrats suck" scenerio. I wish y'all would get together and make something work. Of course, that is what Congress is supposed to do...

I believe the poor are mistreated and I am poor. I believe companies take advantage of the poor. (Like with the Upper Ringwood incident). I believe many poor work so hard, barley putting food on the table. I also know of one kid who hardly had anything to wear for winter two years ago-dad bought her a coat. Everytime I go to a homeless shelter, I feel scared. But then I see the smile of the homeless's face and it warms me up...little by little. I've been made fun of that I'll be there, too. So don't say anything about me not being for the poor.

I put a link on the post I made, if you went there, you'd know that I didn't write that comment. It was a man, very likely a Republican, feeling attacked by all the "The rich are this, and that." I posted the thread thinking people would get what I got, that hard workers who are rich shouldn't be put together with those who earn all their life from either fraudulent activities or inheritance. Opps. The three who commented, that's all I was saying. Not that the poor don't work hard. I don't think like that. I dislike Republicans like that.

The immigrants who came here all came b/c of the American Dream. DON'T DESTROY IT. Secretariat was the horse of a man who was rich, started out poor. That's all I'm saying...

PS I really hate Fox News and like to listen to CSpan in the morning. I don't like either side talking about 'their opinion' when they are supposed to be reporting news. I also deleted the post b/c I got so scared of the comments accusations...:D



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[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

the fact that you watch C-span makes you a well informed young lady. I too wish something positive comes out of this movement, but I have to stay practical. The reason that most historical movement were boiled down to two parties is because even the radicals in this nation are divided into two factions, those that believe the government is the problem and those that believe the gov't acting is the only solution. I'd say the best way to institute change is to address the issues that concern you with people in your community and form a local, grassroots movement. Good luck, and I wish you the best.

[-] 0 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 13 years ago

Pure propaganda. Go away.

[-] 1 points by SearchingforTruth (2) 13 years ago

Says the fool who thinks all Muslims are terrorists. I bet you think there isn't a black man who's a lawyer either.

[-] 0 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 13 years ago

When did I say all Muslims were terrorists?

[-] 1 points by SearchingforTruth (2) 13 years ago

I can't find the link(either you did say it, and if you did, you're lying, but w/e...or I thought it was you but it was another, near your name, and I associated you with the comment)-but thanks anyways- you helped me correct something I wasn't truthful about.