Forum Post: Don't forget we can vote to recall
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 3:46 a.m. EST by Recycleman
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We just need to stand up with enough and we can vote or recall all elected candidate. That is what makes America great.
"only eighteen states permit recall elections to remove state officials and a nineteenth state, Illinois, allows it for Governors only."
"Courts ruled that a federal official is not subject to state recall laws."
need to think bigger, too and find the right candidates for the job opening in our government. a call for candidates I send out. Who will represent us in our governments? Step up
Attempting to recall the Governor of Wisconsin (Scott Walker) as we speak...
Great news, thanks so much!!!
Over 300,000 signatures on the way to the 540,000 needed!
OMG, keep up this fantastic work. Is that how you do it, get signatures? What happens when you get the 540,000? Absolutely great work, THANK YOU.
The thanks can go to all the brave people in the State of Wisconsin making a stand! We need to get that number of signatures within one year of the governor taking office. The next thing likely to happen is Republican opposition will contest the signatures and/or file lawsuits postponing the election of a new governor. Thanks for the support and here is some more info on the situation:
Great, and thanks for the magnificent work you're doing. I learned from the movement, it pays to fight back!
I just read the article, and what a brilliant, focused campaign. It's such a powerful response to what felt like a demoralizing defeat. I think OWS came about in part because of such outrageous attacks on the working class, and to see this massive opposition is incredibly empowering. And it's educating people in the process of fighting back. I'm so impressed and grateful to all of you.
It does still pay to fight back. It can be overwhelming at times, but don't give up! I think you are right what they thought was a great victory against working class citizens may have turned out to be the final straw. Now in desperation, Walker is raising fees for protest permits so they have more enforcement ammo against those that stand their ground. People are catching on to such pettiness. They more the true colors show, more people will stand with us!
Oh, my God, you guys are on the front lines. This sounds incredible, raising fees for permits! Like a poll tax on voting. I think we need to take every single violation of civil liberties and throw it in their face, make a huge big deal about it publicly--and keep using the defensive formulations, we're not being aggressive, we're just defending our right to organize; right to unionize; right to speak out; right to ... please keep up the fantastic work. I wish I could be more active in the movement right now. The other thing about fighting back is that it's important to always answer an attack--like a verbal attack. I've tried to do that here, whenever someone attacks some idea of OWS, I try to answer it, not let it go unchallenged. Thanks again!!!
You are right. We need to make a stand on civil liberty violations (not to mention human rights violations). They are pulling out the low-blows now, so we surely have their attention. Thanks for doing your part and spreading the word in a positive way. I find it helps to take a real soft stance. Maybe the person arguing doesn't agree with camp outs and free college degrees for everyone. Find a more centered issue and start with that. I ask them to overlook the faults they find in OWS and at least give people credit for standing up against the corruption. If they have constructive ideas they think would work better, encourage them to share! I for one am listening for new ideas. You might even direct them to the fight going on in Wisconsin now which shares a lot of the same principals as OWS but lacks the branding (and tents).
Hi, and thanks so much for your reply. I haven't been on the website for a couple days, so I just saw it. Your comment reminds me of something someone in the Trotskyist movement said: that often when you're discussing a revolutionary idea with someone, they won't necessarily agree with you on the spot. They might not agree you're right when they're talking to you, but later they will absorb what you've said, and agree with it. That sounds like what you're saying about being soft. Lenin is quoted as having said "patiently explain." Thanks again for you and your organization's great work. All the best.
You are most welcome. What you've said resonates with me. People are creatures of habit and are inherently resistant to change whether it is in their interest or not. There seems to be an initial shock when the topic of "upsetting the apple cart" comes up. After that natural shock defense dissipates, reason can set in and allow the beneficial idea to take root. Thanks to you as well. All we can do is try. Best regards to you.
Again, it's been a couple days since I've been on the website, so I just read your ideas, and really appreciate them. The other thing is that when people see more people taking action, agreeing with some revolutionary idea, I think it's easier to join (and know why they join with others). I remember from when I was in the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party learning that Lenin's party, the Bolsheviks, was actually a minority in the (I think it was the workers' councils or sovets--I just don't remember what organization they were in, fighting for the leadership so they could organize the people). Although they were the minority, the took the name Bolsheviks, because it meant "majority-ites." The Mensheviks, the conservative party, was actually the majority, but they allowed the Bolsheviks to characterize them as the minority. It was very ignorant of the psychology behind people's willingness to fight back.
OWS has demonstrated brilliantly, from day one, how well it understands this principle, with its incredibly powerful formulation, "We are the 99%."
Again, it's great hearing from you and profound gratitude to you and your compatriots in our struggle. PS I don't think the governor's reason for denying the permits was petty, because I see it as a weapon of class warfare, much more dangerous than I'd associate with the term petty. Many thanks, and Solidarity.
You draw on your experience and make a great point about the individual being afraid to act on his or her own, but willing to act when they see themselves as part of a larger group. I agree that OWS has done well in presenting the group as 99% inclusive. Most people abhor being different and OWS turns the tables on this psychological principle and puts the spotlight on the 1% as being the odd men & women out.
As for the use of the word petty, it was a poor choice. I should be more cautious to use language more aptly fitting the crime. We have enough force behind undermining the movement without slips of the tongue (or typing fingers) doing it for us. It's good to hear from you and I'd like to offer you profound gratitude as well. Keep fighting the good fight. Solidarity.
I'm going to donate to the National Lawyers Guild, as a way of helping throw these violations back in their faces.
That's great, I think they've been doing an invaluable service in making it possible for people to take actions that without legal support they couldn't extricate themselves from. I want to donate, too, but I've haven't been able to since a GA voted to spend so much money to send observers to Egypt. Does anyone know if they actually went, which would have been beyond dangerous at the time they were planning. Maybe donating to the Lawyers Guild would allow me to send money without it being such an open-ended donation--not that I've got much to send, but I'd rather it went to something I believe in. OWS is terrific, but that one action did bother me a lot.
Thanks for your reply.
Start a forum for recalls Make it easy for us to know when someone is needing vote
There is no official way to sign for a recall online, but I will post a link that has information on the recall and searchable recall petition office database. Thanks!