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Forum Post: #don't forget to vote today in Ohio#

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 12:27 p.m. EST by debndan (1145)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We are working to block issues 1,2,&3. But working people need to get out to vote. These 3 issues are more neocon over reach. it's NO on 1 2 &3

Seems like everyone knows 'someone' from OHIO, if you do call them and tell them to vote NO on issues 1 2 &3

Issue one is to increase the judicial age from 70 to 75, which will only further entrench the neocon judiciary

Issue 2 would strip police teachers and firefighters of collective bargaining rights.

Actually it would do even more than that. if cops etc. go on strike, they would actually get CHARGED TWICE their daily wage by the gov't. This is just more communistic, neocon garbage, because they HATE our cops, teachers, and firefighters BECAUSE they protect the PUBLIC.

And issue 3 would repeal bans on pre-existing conditions and life-time caps on insurance in ohio.

The first step in changing society IS the protests





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[-] 0 points by jayp74 (195) 13 years ago

I'm from Ohio and voted YES on issue 2. Screw the unions. They're screwing up the country!!!!!

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Vote Yes on Issue 2 and 3.