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Forum Post: Don't forget McDonald's Serves The MOVEMENT Not The Other Way Around.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:29 a.m. EST by zahid (7)
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It takes time to turn around decades of social engineering. The global occupations like OWS are gearing up to realize what is right in front of them, no it's not corporate imagery, it is however the result of the 99% intentions. It’s a different view of the finite quality of corporate imagery. These demonstrations are hopefully a side note to a more profound phenomenon, an education in the differentiation between the means and the end. In other words the right value in the right place.

People are in the streets not so they can be capitalized upon by fiscally driven instrumentalities but in order to become more empowered and personally effective. Any entity with a profit maximizing agenda is holding no cards in the face of a population that realizes that the "financial moves" they make are little more than an additional means to continue on with a noble struggle. Banks, Burger King, Old Navy all of them are at risk if they do not make something better of themselves to ensure the needs of the OWS movement and the partner movements around the world are being satisfied.

The tyranny that major corporations are responsible for is old news but the process of putting corporations in their proper place is a responsibility that the 99% quite subsequently undertook by simply ensuring that they are only patrons of corporations as a means of satisfying the more pertinent spirit of putting corporation harmlessly behind the 99% not further on down the road. As such an understanding starts to actually be applied to the OCW and similar populations who are the 99% as a whole; the implications will attack corporate tyranny as a natural consequence, where ever it lies. Their own statistics will reflect that they will eventually be overwhelmed if they don’t correct them selves first. This is not class warfare! This is the sane sustainability of human livelihood. This is not government owner ship of cooperation’s on one hand and/or open market, free trade on the other! This is just healthy respect for human nature and the realization of fair values.

You see greed can't believe it's already obsolete and it wants the people to think it self crazy for knowing better. The difference is the 99% knows if you don't already know better, YOU CAN LEARN, whoever you are and greed doesn't know any better.

So if the 99% gets a fish sandwich at McDonald's it wont be because all roads lead to corporate America it will be because the 99% is LEARNING they don't have to go to the industrial sandwich center, because the 99% can make their own fish sandwiches. You can make your own t-shirts. You can make your own coffee shops. That's what the 99% is selling and that is customer satisfaction at its best!



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