Forum Post: Don't fight the Elite, Fight the Inane Rules they Create to Siphon Wealth from Main Street.
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 13, 2013, 6:23 a.m. EST by DebtSUSPENSIONRights
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My latest article about the OWS agenda.
Nice article. Glad to see Occupynews is running your stuff too.
I created OccupyNews blogspot to help the movement communicate among the various locations across the country and the world. I donated all the time it took to find the various occupy sites. In today's internet, facebook and/or twitter is not enough. Having a blog is instrumental as well. So linking the occupy blogs allows the occupy groups to keep up to date with each other. Whenever an occupy group releases a new article, it rises to the top of that particular column, so in literally 10 seconds time one can scan the most current new article link feeds.
Wow thats really cool, nice job.
thanks. I wish it was used more than it is. That in and of itself would inspire the groups to do more updates. Somebody once said to me, What is the point of freedom of speech if no one is listening.