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Forum Post: Don't believe what the conservatives say about the CRA, subprime, or the housing market.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 10:41 p.m. EST by Mcc (542)
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This is what really happened:

The first subprime loans were issued in 1994. It was a gimmick to sell more homes, artificially inflate the market, sell more homes at higher profits, foreclose on those who could not pay when the ARM rates readjusted, take their homes leaving them with nothing to show for their payments, resell the homes at a higher profit and so on. It was a cruel and calculated plan to sell more homes and artificially inflate the market. Those loans were incredibly profitable for well over a decade before the house of cards finally collapsed. In the meantime, bankers got richer along with the richest one percent who made off with higher dividends. It was a sham.



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[-] 1 points by fivetimesthefun (107) from Queens, NY 13 years ago

lol like this crazy granny? she's foaming at the mouth as it goes on, just crazy and totally brainwashed by Fox, sticking up for Goldman Sachs.


[-] 1 points by Mcc (542) 13 years ago

When the banks finally failed 13 years after all those loans, banker bonuses, and dividends for the top one percent, the tax payers bailed out the banks and made all of the above even richer.