Forum Post: Dont Bash Protestors because you think you know more than everyone.......
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:18 a.m. EST by Marlow
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Not Everyone has the background to fully understand the circumstances of the Unregulated Investment Banks during the crises... Not Everyone understands the 'Good Old Boys at Goldman Sachs installing all their Crony Crooks in the SEC and the Treasury.. and the Fed Reserve... that made a Circle Jerk out of our Country's economic powers for THEIR PERSONAL GAINS!..Not Everyone understands 'Derivatives'..Heck, it is a Simple Double Whammy of Profiteering by the Banks and Hedgefunds to double up on Gains... and NO ONE , Not even the Economic Adviser Understands how THAT works!.. Not Everyone Understands how Greasepan when LOWERING the Fed Rate During a Housing bubble..CAUSED the Crisis, and raising the Stakes for illegal Gains by the Financial Sector claiming Insurance on Mortgages they Didnt Even Own!... Not Everyone NEEDS to understand this Garbage that was Pulled over the American Public eyes... but they SURE ARE PAYING FOR IT!!..!!..... So, some of you can just get down off your High Horses.. with your perfect 20/20 Hind sight.. and look around you on the the Street filled with protestors.. and shake their hands.. as they are making the Same efforts YOU 'so Called Informed protestors and posters are... Shake Hands.. and Come out Fighting!..... and go on line while you are there and sign the on line petition to STOP the Wall Street Mafia!....... ....
....Thank You...
Atki... that was pretty interesting, i will give you a bump back..... and, i will send your comments to other staff members of my web site.. Ty for your comments..
Exactly, although the tone is bit harsh (understandably) and focusing upon the past has its limitations, which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy, and related candidate, that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as myself or another you'd like to draft – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Please read the Petition.. it has the historical events of the Economic crises stated clearly.... AND, allows for easy Access of information for the SEC to Investigate... The Web Site sponsoring this Petition has worked with the Inspector General which has resulted in an education for the SEC Staff that is primarily a Legal Staff... not a Stock Market experienced bunch.. ( i too was shocked to find that out)
bump it
When Asked Where did our Tarp money go.. Paulson said NOTHING! The Historical Facts draw us to on Conclusion.... we Need to Fight against Justice Denied. THANK YOU Protestors!
Derivatives are 'Mythical' in the way they Came about...Creative Math' just as the Tarp was handed over to them , as they needed a way to filter the Money into the 'Books' making it appear legit... when all the while the majority of the tarp went into the pockets of the 'Big Ten'... Off shore accounts. THINK!..Why did it take a FULL year for the Banks to begin making Loans once they got the Money?....THINK...WHY did Paulson tell the Congressional Panel..he did Have to tell them where the Money Went?..... !... So much graft.. so many Blind Leaders.
I love how derivatives are in quotes as if they are mythical.
Great Depression 2 is coming. £2 TRILLION needed to bail out EU. Where are they going to find that?
Great Depression 2 is coming. £2 TRILLION needed to bail out EU. Where are they going to find that?
Free Willey!