Forum Post: Dont' agree? Call them a Troll!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:52 a.m. EST by Redmist
from Yazd, Yazd
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This troll labeling has reached a point of Ad nauseam! While I agree that talking points are superficial and rarely hold depth, some are legitimate issues. For example some people nailed a poster for making the observation that millions are out of work but many more millions are working, he was labeled a troll. Another said"Pay for own education" and she/he was called a troll, but that make be exactly how they feel. (And the national poll statistics agree on that one) So perhaps we could keep the troll label serial posters, truthers, birthers, nazi's, marxists, etc IF they post the same crap all the time and everywhere. My rants complete go ahead and label me I am sure some of you want to.
My opinion is if it’s HATE, it’s a troll. Where the line gets blurry is if it’s simply a different opinion of what should be done, or heaven forbid a concern someone posts about a potential problem that might need addressing within the movement. In another thread someone posted about feeling like the morale has gone down at Zucotti. Maybe that’s made-up bullshit and maybe that’s how the person really feels and is trying to call attention to it so it can be helped. In that case, just because someone might have legitimate concerns and wants to help the movement from within to become stronger does not make them a TROLL. Don’t shoot the friggin messenger on a hairtrigger. What will destroy this movement faster than anything is a refusal to consider possible areas that need working on and the excess ego that suggests—to each other and the outside world. This ought to be a movement about discussion and looking for solutions at all times, not divisiveness and refusal to listen. As long as it’s not filled with destructive hate (i.e. the anti-Semitic scum trying to infest this), people need to be able to be honest about their feelings and concerns. Even if that means ---gasp!--- pointing out a moment when all might not be 120% rosy.
Troll burgers .... yummy .... with fries please ...........
Let me further enlighten you:
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".
There's plenty of that here.
NEWS FLASH: Message board moderation does not equal interference with free speech.
Here's an example of a troll post:
Now, what are we supposed to be, good little hippies that just stand there while certain people smack us around?
Fuck that.
Call a troll a troll if you want to. Or better yet just ignore their dumb asses.
Welcome to the troll list. lol
heres your label: douchebag.
the great obstacle is how to overcome oppressive behavior without succumbing to it while doing so. your post illustrates this. oppressive labeling doesn't get rid of oppression-- it reproduces it. (i'm in agreement with you and pointing out the levels of irony...)