Forum Post: Donors beware ! OWS utilizing Donations to fund 29K Trip to Egypt to monitor elections
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 2:27 p.m. EST by Rebarton
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Do not get me wrong, I understand the global aspect of this movement, but I do not agree with the timing. Nor do I agree with utilizing donations earmarked for Occupy Wall Street to be utilized on the global aspect of this movement.
While it is true once a donation has been provided to OWS, the donor cannot control how that money is spent. However, donors do have a right to know how you spent their money, and can make a decision to NO LONGER DONATE based upon this information. By utilizing the money in this way you are putting the entire movement AT RISK. Both Public Perception and especially Donors in my opinion are not going to be happy about this. Simply put, without donors, the movement cannot exist.
I would assume the majority of donors to OWS are from the 99%. These people are giving money, goods and services to your organization, that during these economic times is difficult to come by. The reason they give is because they are hoping you can make a difference in their lives. They are hoping you represent them.
I believe their needs to be a great deal of sensitivity and discretion in the use of these donations, out of respect for the people that work so hard to make a living and who believe, who hope you will make a difference. In reading the GA posts, I am not feeling that sensitivity. In fact last night GA posts reflected that there was more people concerned with spending 600+ dollars for toys for tots then in spending 29,000 to monitor votes in Egypt. I see the movement worrying more about how that they need to archive the movement, for historical purposes, than issues being raised at how to become more effective at handling core issues of the movement.
To be honest, you have no mandate from the people. "The whole world is watching" but is not participating at this point, because they are cautious and you are a new movement. Yes there are pockets of protests going on in communities , but to be honest you are failing to reach the masses of the 99% because your message is rapidly becoming diluted and this movement is less than 60 days old. I do believe OWS has the best intentions in mind, but I think living, breathing, and sleeping Liberty Sq, may be effecting those making decisions. Last night for instance, there was more discussion and objections on utilizing approximately 600 dollars for Toys For Tots, than to utilize 29,000 to monitor elections in Egypt. Toys for Tots is a great program by the US Marine Corp that provided toys for poor children. Regardless of the material aspects of the holidays, a little joy in the kids of the 99% should not have been such an issue. In fact, had you given the 29,000.00 to Toys for Tots, I would not be as concerned.
As mentioned previously I believe sensitivity needs to be involved when spending donors money. I also believe that the decision to spend 29K to fly 20 people to Egypt to monitor elections, will cause a number of people to no longer support OWS. As stated in previous postings, the 99% are already tired of our government spending tax payer dollars outside the US, especially when we have so many impoverished people living in our own country. The 99% need solutions for Main Street, not Cairo. While donors cannot tell OWS how to spend donations, we can stop donating and supporting this cause.
Right now this movement is in it’s infancy. However this movement will cease to exist if people no longer support you. I am grateful that other occupy groups in this country are concentrating on the core issues. However, since OWS NYC is one of the main groups the media covers, you are putting them at risk as well, by Occupying Egypt.
I remain a supporter of the OWS, but I will not provide or assist in the solicitation of further donations until I see the movement more focused on American issues. I am extremely concerned with what is to become of OWS. Idealism and Delusions of Grandeur are not something I want to spend my hard earned money on.
Here is the link to the approval for the 29K read 11/10 Meeting minutes and scroll down till you get to 55.1.3
was Egypt the first to start the wave of opposition ?
why are non arabic speakers with no experience being sent to egypt to monitor something they have no business monitoring?
donations can be better spent (ie: donating back to the city to pay for all of NYPD's overtime that OWS has caused for one.. so the city doesnt have to lay people off to pay the bills)
I disliked this part: Blocks Block: I don’t believe there are enough people here to form a GA, but that’s just my opinion.
F: PoP: Blocks must relate to the proposal. There is also no stipulation as to the number of people that constitutes a GA.
So???I don't understand why you even frigging care!