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Forum Post: Donations - Transparency

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 9:20 a.m. EST by zarathustra (18) from Orrington, ME
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hello all,

I just wanted to bring up a point of the process in which people are/can make donations.

I have donated what little bit I can afford but think it wise to know before-hand where those funds are being used and for what purpose. I think we would all like to assume the funds are being used properly but I air this concern because of the obvious corruptions faced by our society in that monetary funds often "disappear" to a certain extent.

I think there should be some way of, not necessarilly tracking donations but making sure they are going to the people on the ground for essentials (food, shelter, medical care, &c.) and towards opperating costs (websites, publishing,&c).

This is just something I've been thinking about now for a few weeks and thought it may warrant some dialogue.


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[-] 1 points by zarathustra (18) from Orrington, ME 13 years ago


If there is a system in place giving insight into donations and their uses please let me know and I apologize in advance for my ingnorance!!